If you’re an Indian, you know exactly how heavenly a head massage feels (kudos to our moms!). One can easily become addicted to it.

Our scalp is densely packed with nerves that are near to the skin’s surface. By activating these nerve endings, massaging the scalp soothes the nervous system. A head massage may relieve headache symptoms, reduce tension, and perhaps increase hair growth, in addition to providing sensory pleasure. You can even add a little more spice to your head massages by using different types of oil; each oil has different types of health benefits too! There are also a lot of head massage machines and head massager sofas in the market.

So, it doesn’t hurt to try a head massage once in a while.

What’s even better? You can do one at home if you want to. Or, if you want a professional head massage, you can go to a massage therapist in your area.

A simple head massage packs a punch of benefits, and here is a list of each one…

1)Aids Hair Growth

aids hair growth

Anecdotal stories of a head massage boosting hair development have been around for a long time. People believe that scalp massage has increased scalp wellness and removed some of the obstacles to healthy, natural hair development, resulting in obvious hair length and health improvements. These statements are backed up by research as well. 

Regular scalp massages were found to result in thicker hair development in a 2016 research. Throughout 24 weeks, participants massaged their scalps for around four minutes each day, resulting in visibly richer, healthier hair. You can also use a head massager for hair growth, and for an added benefit, you can use oil for head massages; it helps to soften and condition your hair.

A 2019 research of 340 people found that the initial findings were backed by comparable results. The participants used identical scalp massage techniques to massage themselves twice a day to help with hair loss. Around 69 percent of participants reported the massages helped them with their alopecia, minimizing hair loss and boosting new hair growth. 

If you want your hair to grow longer, start by rubbing it with a hair serum for fuller, thicker hair. As you mix the strength of a head massage with substances that foster thicker hair for further advantages, the serum penetrates deeper into the scalp, improving penetration. 

2)Nervous system

improved nervous system

The variety of benefits that a simple head massage may provide to your central nervous system will surprise you. Massage therapy has been demonstrated to improve the health and well-being of those suffering from nervous system ailments. Massage therapists report a wide range of positive benefits on individuals who get the treatments. While most research on the effects of massage on the nervous system has been conducted on people with degenerative diseases. The findings imply that including a head massage in your daily routine benefits is very beneficial for your body.

Massage of any form, including a head massage, can boost nervous system health and support your body’s functioning by encouraging feelings of well-being and physical harmony. 

The advantages of a head massage on the neurological system extend well beyond the therapeutic effects of touch on the body, and you don’t need anyone’s aid to enjoy them! 

Increasing healthy blood flow and circulation, increasing your body’s natural healing capacities, and helping your body better balance and harmonize, using a head massager on oneself can assist the nervous system.

Also Read, Tea Tree Oil: 10 Benefits and how to use

3)Helps relieve Muscle Tension

relieved person

We retain a lot of tension across our hairline, behind our ears, and in our necks, which is partially related to stress and partly owing to poor posture. Anyone who has had their scalp massaged by a hairstylist understands how calming it is to have the nerves on the skin’s surface stimulated with slight pressure. A head massage has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure, decrease stress hormone levels, and decrease heart rate. As a result, scalp massage is an essential aspect of every Spa treatment.

Scalp stress can also cause blood vessels to contract, restricting blood supply to the hair follicle. It can also interact with muscular tension in the neck and back, which results in headaches and back pain.

Regular head massages, either by a friend or oneself with a head massager, can help relieve muscle tension in a matter of minutes. But for more effectiveness, massagers should concentrate on the temples and the region behind the neck and ears to relieve the tension in the muscles.

4)Encourages Good relationships

couple taking head massage

One of the biggest advantages of a head massage is that you can do it to yourself. However, your scalp health regimen does not have to be limited to the shower or your boudoir. 

Giving and receiving head massages is a terrific opportunity to hone your skills and engage with each other through the power of touch. Giving family members scalp massages to improve general well-being, relaxation, and joy is a ritual in various cultures (especially India). The release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes communal connections, is a great platform to develop a healthy connection with your partner or close friends by trading scalp massages. It is proven that people who had massages done had higher amounts of this hormone, enhancing sensations of safety and togetherness, potentially leading to a close-knit family.

On the contrary, if you don’t feel like giving yourself a head massage or requesting one from a friend, you can appoint a c head massager who can help you discover the correct technique to share with loved ones, as well as boost blood circulation for stronger hair follicles.

5)Important in CST


CST (cranial sacral treatment) or craniosacral therapy (craniosacral therapy) are two terms that are used interchangeably. It’s a sort of bodywork that helps to release compression in the skull, sacrum (a triangle bone in the lower back), and spinal column. CST is a painless procedure. It relieves tension and pain produced by compression by applying mild pressure to the head, neck, and back. As a result, it can aid in the treatment of a variety of ailments. The flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system is hypothesized to be adjusted by mildly manipulating the bones in the skull, spine, and pelvis.

This improves the body’s ability to mend by removing “blockages” from the usual flow. Cranial sacral treatment can be performed by various massage therapists, physical therapists, osteopaths, and chiropractors.

It might be part of a previously arranged therapy visit or the primary reason for your visit. You may benefit from 3 to 10 sessions of CST, or you may benefit from maintenance sessions, depending on what you’re treating with it. This can help to relieve anxiety and trauma, both mental and physical. It’s also considered to aid in the restoration of cranial movement and the alleviation or release of head, neck, and nerve constraints.

Following cranial sacral therapy with a certified practitioner, the most frequent adverse effect is a minor pain. This is usually just transitory and disappears within 24 hours. Certain people should not utilize CST. 

People with severe bleeding problems, a verified aneurysm, or a history of recent traumatic head traumas, such as cranial bleeding or skull fractures, fall into this category.

Click here to learn how to give a head massage

Even five minutes of dry hair massage every day or working in a hair serum or head detox treatment can result in long-term head and scalp benefits. It also feels amazing and has positive side effects that will make you happy and healthier. 

What’s not to like about that?