You Must Read Before Starting A BUSINESS

Rework is not like any other business book. Penned by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried, the founders of software company 37signals, this book will act as a guide in your business journey.


Image Credit saltwaterconsulting

It is a management book written by Jim Collins. This book will teach you about organizing the management structure of your business growth to take it to the next level.

Good to Great

Image Credit Welcome to the Jungle

Written by Payal CEO Peter Theil and Blake Masters, Zero to One will help in waking up the entrepreneur inside you.

Zero to One

Image Credit Rick Kettner

Business means selling your products and selling your vision. This book explains why every businessman and entrepreneur needs to have the persuasiveness and spirit of a salesperson.

Little Red Book of Selling

Image Credit eBay

Isn’t this the question that arises in every individual’s mind before they start their first business or plan to scale their business? Rising questions in the mind is a good thing but having no answers to them may make the entire process confusing and fill you with self-doubt.

Will It Fly?

Image Credit Kyaw Wai Yan Tun

This one is my favourite and irrespective of your profession, you must read this book. Robert T Kiyosaki is a genius who teaches the art of asset building while sharing his experiences.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Image Credit kaila j. lim