Let us find out  

Some Great


GTA V revolves around guns and to have a good time you need to understand the best of the weapons in the game. 

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The best pistol around the came is the AP pistol which is best in class and is purely based on full auto firing mode. It is one of the only few full auto weapons that can be used while your driving the car. 

The MG gun is the best machine gun in the game but it unlocks at rank 50. The gun can kill down the enemies with ease. 

The best assault rifle available in the game is the special carbine mk2. It has a devastating effect and is capable of doing the toughest jobs and kill your enemies in the range with the headshot. 

The best sniper rifle available in the game is the best sniper mk2. this monstrous Sniper unlocks at rank 90 and you can only use the stock sniper rifle until then. As you unlock this rifle you face no difficulties in killing your enemies from a faraway distance. 

The shotgun is one of the most used guns in the game and the best out of them is the assault shotgun which has a 32 round extended clip and fires in the full auto mode and can crush down enemies at close range.