NFS most wanted who is filled with exciting Street racing thousands of customization options and police chase similar to Hollywood movies.
Image credit - Need for Speed Fandom
Crysis was one of the games people used to use as a parameter to calculate the graphics capability of their PC.
Image credit - Twinfinite
Half-life 2 was an average game but according to 2004, it was up to the mark. The best thing about the game was the customizable game engine.
Image credit - Den of Geek
The elder scrolls: Oblivion- this version made the franchise very popular and although the graphics have become outdated this game is still fun to play.
Image credit - PC Gamer
Grand theft auto San Andreas is an iconic open-world game that has a storyline along with side missions and has every element in the perfect place
Image credit - DarkStation
The hitman series is an iconic series of the 2000 decade. the gameplay was so interactive that the gamers considered themselves Hitman while playing the game.
Image credit - Pinterest