You can get rid of


using these simple


Mixing 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in baking soda and applying it on your nose for 15 minutes will help you get rid of blackheads. 

Image credit - pexels

Take the lemon peel and rub it on the area where blackheads are maximum. 

Image credit - pexels

Massaging the blackhead area with raw potato slices will help to remove them. 

Image credit - hunuhealth

Mixing rose water in oatmeal, making a pack, and applying it to your face for 15 minutes can also help a lot. 

Image credit - ppmapartments

Apply a thin layer of honey on your face and gently wash it after drying. This should remove the dirt and blackheads on the skin. 

Image credit - pexels

Mixing one spoon of honey in cinnamon powder making a paste and applying it on your face will remove blackheads when you remove the face pack. 

Image credit - femina

Cut one tomato and rub it on your face for 5 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water. 

Image credit - pexels

Mixing egg white with lemon juice and applying it to your face as a face pack can also help in removing the blackheads. 

Image credit - medicalnewstoday