Barack Obama, a former US president, “promised to do everything he could to help President Joe Biden get re-elected,”  The story also stated that despite his legal issues, Obama cautioned Biden that Donald Trump would be a “formidable” opponent in the race. Obama appointed Biden as the US Vice President from 2009 to 2017.

President Joe Biden was privately cautioned by former president Barack Obama that Donald Trump, who has been twice impeached and three times indicted, has a strength going into the election next year that should not be understated due to his fervent fan base and the echo chamber of conservative media.

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The Washington Post reports that Mr. Obama gave his former vice president the blunt counsel over a late-June lunch at the White House, where he also pledged to “do all he could” to support his reelection campaign.

The 44th president continues to be in high demand as a surrogate for Democratic candidates at all levels and has drawn sizable audiences to rallies in battleground states throughout the past two presidential elections.


A recent NBA final series interview and video appearances with social media influencers are only two of the venues where he has campaigned to win over younger voters.

Obama aide Eric Schulz said in a statement to the Post that the former president and his staff “place a huge emphasis on finding creative ways to reach new audiences, especially tools that can be directly tied to voter mobilization or volunteer activations”.

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We carefully choose our times because our goal is to shift the needle, he continued.

This autumn, Mr. Obama is allegedly planning to start making appearances at fundraisers for the Biden-Harris campaign.

The president is “grateful” for Mr. Obama’s “unwavering support,” according to Biden campaign spokesman TJ Ducklo, who also stated that Mr. Biden “looks forward to once again campaigning side-by-side with President Obama to win in 2024 and finish the job for the American people.”