Prune and raisins, move over! The dried fruit in town is more fashionable. Date palm trees, which thrive in tropical climates, are the source of dates. Although dates can be consumed straight from the tree, dried or dehydrated dates are more readily available.
According to Culbertson, “dates are also high in fibre, with about 7 grammes per serving.” That is equivalent to slightly less than a half cup of lentils or a cup of cooked whole wheat pasta in terms of fibre content. Eating dates also aids in meeting your body’s required daily intake of iron.
One type of date that is easy to help you eat more produce is the Medjool date, which is actually a fresh fruit rather than a dried one! Additionally, there are 3.6 g of protein in each serving.
The health advantages of dates
These little fruits are very nutritious. Culbertson lists six advantages of dates for health:
Improve gut health
Studies reveal that the health advantages of fibre extend beyond preventing internal blockages in your plumbing system. Consuming a lot of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, such as dates, can also be beneficial:

Boost the health of your heart.
Maintain constant blood sugar levels.
Reduce total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Stop gaining weight and becoming obese.
Lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.
Help prevent chronic illnesses
Plant compounds that function as antioxidants abound in dates. Antioxidants shield your cells from the harm that free radicals can do. Your body’s bandits, or free radicals, take electrons from healthy cells to keep themselves stable. The consequences of this theft include cell damage and an increased chance of developing chronic illnesses.

Research indicates that free radicals contribute to the development of:
diseases triggered by antibodies.
heart-related conditions.
Promote mental well-being
Dates’ high antioxidant content has been linked in several studies to better brain function. Your brain is one of the many parts of your body where inflammation is prevented by antioxidants. Diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), popularly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, have all been related to inflammation in the brain.

Culbertson states, “One study using lab models found that eating dates improved memory, learning, and reduced anxiety-related behaviours.” Also connected to dates was a decrease in amyloid beta proteins in the brain. Alzheimer’s disease development has been linked to plaques produced by these proteins.
Research indicates that free radicals contribute to the development of:
diseases triggered by antibodies.
heart-related conditions.
Also read: Incredible health benefits of Kamut Rice
Could facilitate a natural delivery

Your child’s due date was a week ago, and now that the doctors are discussing forced eviction, unless you can manage to start things on your own, that is. According to Culbertson, “some research suggests that eating dates could encourage labour.” It’s still unclear how long you should consume them, but a study found that eating them regularly around the last month of pregnancy made a difference. Additionally, dates might shorten the time that people spend in labour.
Make your skin look younger
Similar to human hormones, phytohormones (plant hormones) aid in the growth and reproduction of plants. They might also benefit your skin’s anti-aging properties. Consequently, phytohormones are occasionally found in skin care products. Simply put, dates are a rich source of phytohormones.
In one brief study, scientists used 5% date palm kernel extract to create a skin cream. For five weeks, middle-aged women applied the cream twice a day to the area around their eyes. According to Culbertson, “the date palm kernel cream reduced the size and depth of their wrinkles.” “The results were very promising and clinically significant, even though the study only included ten women.”