If you’re not a huge fan of green tea, are you still in search of the ideal matcha tea? Now meet oolong.

The same leaves as those used to make green and black tea are used to make oolong tea. However, oolong is merely chilling in the midst of the fermentation spectrum, whereas black tea and green tea represent the two extremes (black tea ferments until it turns, well, black) and green tea is not fermented at all.

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Top of all? It combines the greatest aspects of black tea with green tea, much like country rap. We’re able to handle that.

These  health advantages of oolong tea will make you crave it.

Protects brain function

A scientific evaluation found that oolong tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). One of the main ingredients in green tea, EGCG, is responsible for many of its health advantages, including its ability to stave against memory loss and cognitive ageing. Thus, for optimal brain health, drink regularly and early!

Improves blood sugars

Call me sweetheart, but don’t! Similar to green tea, oolong tea may aid in better blood sugar regulation, according a review and meta-analysis of studies. Oolong tea has been linked in several studies to decreased blood sugar levels during fasting.

Why is that relevant? Improved blood sugar regulation can lower your chances of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and unintended weight gain.

Boosts fat loss

The fat-burning benefits of oolong tea can be obtained without disrupting your sleep, much like the effects of caffeine. In fact, a small study suggests that oolong may make you feel the burn a little more strongly than coffee.

Furthermore, oolong tea was shown in an animal study to ameliorate fatty liver, decrease fat cell size, and lower body weight and fat accumulation in obese rats.

Strengthens bones

Without a doubt, oolong tea may even benefit your eerie skelly. According to one study, women who drank one to five cups of oolong tea every day had much higher bone density than those who didn’t.

Fights cancer cells

A 2009 scientific review found that the high content of substances like catechins and antioxidants in oolong tea may have a minor protective effect against cancer. However, the answer is more nuanced than “drink tea, don’t get cancer,” and further study is unquestionably required.

In related news, a study discovered that oolong tea extracts had the ability to destroy cancer cells. You should, however, approach your studies with caution. A tea drinker cannot directly saturate a cancer cell inside of them.

Reduces cholesterol

Oolong tea has been shown in one study to improve the cholesterol and triglyceride levels of mice fed until they were overweight, possibly lowering the animals’ risk of heart disease. Furthermore, there’s no danger in indulging in a little oolong, even though there’s no assurance that we would observe the same benefit in people.

 Reduces stress

Feeling stressed out? As part of your daily self-care regimen, have a cup of oolong tea. According to a tiny study, college students’ heart rate variability—a gauge of their level of short-term stress—may drop when they drink oolong tea.

 Improves oral health

One in vitro study showed that oolong tea is nearly as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash at killing the cavity-causing bacteria Streptococcus mutans — leaving green and black tea in the dust.

According to one study, it may also help promote a healthy salivary microbiome (yup, it’s a thing) by beefing up populations of beneficial bacteria. So, if you’re concerned about cavities, try giving some oolong tea a little swish.

Also read: What nutrients are required for Bone health?

Promotes a healthy gut

The surprisingly large field of tea research has made green tea its sweetheart, but oolong tea has also shown some encouraging signs of supporting a better balance of gut bacteria, which can improve everything from digestion to mental health.

Fights free radicals

When free radicals accumulate to dangerously high quantities in the body, they can cause devastation to cells. (Aside: you can verify that there is stability by visiting the Twitter account of your favourite celebrity.)

Fortunately, a research review found that oolong tea is high in antioxidants, which have the special power to reduce TF by interacting with free radicals.