Denise Rousseau initially developed the idea of the Psychological Contract. Rousseau is a Professor of Organizational Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Carnegie Mellon.

To put things into a better perspective we need to understand the term “Psychological Contract”. The Psychological Contract mainly relates to the relationship between an employer and their workers, which explicitly concerns the mutual expectations of inputs and outcomes.

The Psychological Contract is typically viewed from the workers’ point of view or emotions, though a true understanding demands that both sides know it.

For management practitioners and professionals, psychological contracts are a significant phenomenon since they are present in many practices of human resource management.

First, in the pre-employment stage, the psychological contract is initially established because job applicants shape perceptions and impressions through information obtained about the potential employer. During the recruitment process, two-way contact takes place involving exchanges of commitments and thus affects the psychological contract. Early socialization takes place after an employee is recruited, with both employer and employee continuing to look for information about each other through various outlets.


In their position within the workplace, psychological contracts are most influential in defining the relationship between employer and employee. Psychological arrangements are important yet tacit commitments that are the cornerstone of employer-employee partnerships because they are mutual and based on expectations.

Inside the company, psychological contracts play an essential role. First of all, in a typical contract you sign with the company, not all can be spelled out (nor would this be a good idea in many instances).

For example- anything like hard work is difficult to codify. Sure, in a contract, you can state that the employee must work 40 hours a week, but you can spend those 40 hours playing solitaire. And it’s almost difficult and utterly impractical to try to come up with any scenario about what an employee can and can not do that constitutes hard work (or not).

Managers need to customize or modify work policies and communication techniques for each key figure to create and sustain positive psychological contracts. While ideal, it will not be feasible for everyone to do this. So you will need to pay close attention to those team members who are most respected or who have the greatest ability to help you achieve your business goals.

Managers are key representatives of internal change and play a key role in securing company goals-in for change. Therefore, they must constantly take the temperature to gauge what is going on around them in the hearts and minds of their workers and colleagues. To preserve them or restore them to a stable state, they will then discuss and change their own and the psychological contracts of their team members.

It is probably the line, team, or project managers that are better positioned to find out what members of their team expect from their jobs. They can then either do their best to fulfill these standards or to clarify why they can’t, generating a greater willingness to embrace change and add value to the organization.


Whereas, A violation arises when one party perceives another in a relationship as not meeting the agreed obligation. Because contracts arise under assumptions of good faith and fair dealing and include parties relying on the other’s commitments, breaches that result in severe consequences for the parties involved.

Violation of the psychological contract is separate from unmet expectations and unfair views. Initially, workers have unreasonable expectations and when those expectations go unfulfilled, workers can become less happy, perform less well, and are more likely to leave their employer.

Dynamics Underlying violation

A violation can ultimately result in two conditions: renegade and incongruence. Reneging is where an organization’s agent or agents split consciously. A commitment to a worker. If the employee is incongruent and Agents have different understandings of a pledge. Anyway, incongruence or reneging could result in a perceived unfulfilled promise by creating a discrepancy between an employee’s interpretation of what was promised and the employee’s view of what he or she truly thought was re-. Also, the interpretation of this disparity acts as a catalyst for a cycle of evaluation, whereby the employee considers how well each of the parties has kept their respective promises. A suspected breach of contract would be more likely if the employee perceives sacrifices made as planned but these sacrifices have not been properly reciprocated. Ultimately, whether a potential violation of a contract leads to a violation depends on the nature of the breach added by the employee.


Studies have demonstrated a breach of psychological contract Is a normal phenomenon that has significant personal and organizational consequences. We understood the essence of the Importance, breach, and violation of psychological contracts. Psychological contracts are an important component of the dynamics of the workplace since they are informal employer-employee arrangements that frame all formal transactions. When advising organizations on how to best pick, train, retain, and promote employees, management practitioners and professionals must be aware of psychological contracts.