Vegetable oil known as castor oil is derived from the castor bean plant, a flowering plant that grows widely in the world’s east.1 The castor bean plant’s seeds are cold-pressed to produce the oil.2. 

Rich in ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid type with pain-relieving, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities, is castor oil.

For thousands of years, castor oil has been used as a natural medicine. Castor oil was used to treat constipation and dry eyes in ancient Egypt. Castor oil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, an Indian holistic medical system, to treat skin ailments and relieve arthritis pain. Castor oil is still used today in the manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and medical sectors. Numerous soaps, cosmetics, and hair products contain it.

Aids in Constipation Relief

The most common use of castor oil is probably as a laxative to ease occasional constipation. In order to get rid of waste, the oil increases the muscle contractions that force stool through the intestines. Although castor oil has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a safe and effective stimulant laxative, its use for this purpose has decreased over time due to the development of more potent laxatives with fewer side effects.

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It has been demonstrated that castor oil helps produce softer stools, lessen the sensation of incomplete bowel movements, and lessen straining during bowel movements.

Contains Moisturising Properties

Castor oil, which is high in fatty acids, has moisturising properties that could keep your skin hydrated and in good condition. Humectants, or substances that retain moisture in the skin to keep it smooth and soft, are what castor oil does. Thus, castor oil functions as a barrier to help keep moisture from escaping the skin, just like other oils that are good for the skin.

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Castor oil is added by manufacturers as an emollient (a moisturising treatment) to cosmetics and personal care items, such as lotions, lip balms, and makeup, to encourage hydration.

Hair Health and Castor Oil

It’s possible that you’ve heard that castor oil can stop hair loss or promote hair growth. There isn’t any scientific proof to support this, though.It’s possible that you’ve heard that castor oil relieves dry, irritated scalps and treats dandruff. While castor oil is a component of some dandruff products, there is no evidence to support the use of castor oil alone as a dandruff treatment.

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However, there are some aspects of hair health where castor oil may work well. 

Some people hydrate their hair with castor oil. This is due to the fact that castor oil helps lubricate hair, keeping it lustrous and shielding it from breakage and split ends.

Also read:5 Nutritious Tea that are good for your stomach

May Reduce Arthritis pain

The anti-inflammatory qualities of castor oil may provide relief for joint pain associated with arthritis. 

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An earlier study discovered that taking supplements of castor oil could help lessen knee pain brought on by osteoarthritis. For four weeks, the study’s subjects took three times a day castor oil capsules. 92% of osteoarthritis participants reported significant pain reductions at the end of the study, with no negative side effects.

Induce Labour 

A traditional method of inducing labour is with castor oil. This used to be the standard procedure for inducing labour, and some midwives still prefer this natural induction technique. 

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image credit: herabeat

The labor-inducing qualities of castor oil are thought to be influenced by its laxative properties. Castor oil stimulates the bowels when taken orally, which can irritate the uterus and result in contractions. Prostaglandins are fats that have effects similar to hormones and help prepare the cervix for delivery. Castor oil also increases the production of prostaglandins.