It’s not that difficult to achieve those desired sculpted abs—all you need to do is commit. Try these four easy exercises in the comfort of your own home for amazing results.

To lose extra fat, you don’t need to purchase expensive home exercise equipment or sign up for a gym. Your bodyweight as resistance and unwavering dedication are all you need for at-home workouts that are a great way to get in shape!

These four easy at-home workouts require no equipment and will have you losing belly fat, gaining muscle, and looking fantastic in as little as two to four weeks! Don’t forget to eat a balanced diet. For exercise to be effective, a balanced diet is also necessary.

Butterfly Crunch

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,belly fat after pregnancyAssume a prone position to begin. As near to your body as you can, place the soles of your feet together. Your knees should be bent to the sides. Your hands should be behind your head. Verify that your elbows and ears are in alignment. Maintain a flat back on the ground, tense your stomach muscles, and raise your chest a few inches off the ground. Ten times over, repeat.


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,exercises to lose belly fat
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,belly fat loss
,belly fat after pregnancyPlace your hands firmly into the mat beneath your shoulders as you kneel on it. To begin, extend each leg separately and assume a high plank position. Tighten your lower abdominal muscles. Assume a pike posture by raising your hips towards the ceiling. You should have a long, straight body. After holding for as long as you can—one to two minutes—return to your all-fours position. Perform three iterations.

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Side to Side

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Legs Swings

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,how to lose belly fat
,exercises to lose belly fat
,how to lose lower belly fat
,belly fat burner
,what causes belly fat in females
,belly fat exercises
,how to lose belly fat in a week
,belly fat diet
,belly fat removal
,belly fat loss
,belly fat after pregnancyStart by extending your arms out to the sides while lying on your back. Verify that your feet and legs are pointed upward. As you lower your legs to the left side of the floor, release your breath and tuck in your navel. Go back to the beginning and swap sides. Do this fifteen times.