Maintaining your nails requires a thorough strategy that goes beyond simply cleaning the surface of the nail. Because of this, manicures emphasise safeguarding your cuticles and nail beds. You should also keep your hands hydrated and well-maintained even on days when you are unable to touch up your appearance.

 We’re providing information on how to take care of ailments like dry cuticles at home and safeguard your nails and cuticles.

Why Do My Cuticles Get Dry?

Everyone has occasionally had dry cuticles. If left untreated, they can become painful or crack when itchy, stiff, and irritating. Dry cuticles typically don’t indicate more serious medical issues, but it’s still important to take prompt, effective care of dry, cracked skin because it can lead to infections and inflammation.

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It’s critical to understand the cause of your dry cuticles in order to start treating their effects. By treating the underlying cause rather than just the symptom, you can stop your cuticle dryness from coming back. These are a few of the most typical causes of cuticle dryness that you might be facing.

You’re Frequently Washing Your Hands

It’s crucial to keep yourself safe from germs, and washing your hands is a crucial first step. Nevertheless, frequent hand washing can lead to dry, cracked skin over time as well as irritation of the cuticles, particularly if the soap is devoid of lotion.

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,cuticles dry and cracked
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,why are my cuticles dry and peeling
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,why do cuticles dry out
,why are my cuticles dry and painful
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,cuticles always dry and peeling

It might be related to your other hygiene habits if you’ve noticed that you’re suddenly feeling dry. Strike a healthy balance to protect yourself.

Cold Outside 

,cuticles dry
,cuticles dry and cracked
,why are my cuticles dry
,why are my cuticles dry and peeling
,cuticles dry and peeling
,why do my cuticles dry out
,why do cuticles dry out
,why are my cuticles dry and painful
,what makes your cuticles dry
,cuticles dry and splitting
,cuticles dry and hurt
,cuticles always dry and peelingIf we are not wearing protection, the cold air can seriously harm our skin. Although our faces are usually the first to suffer from extreme temperatures, wintertime can also dry out the skin on our hands, leading to cuticle dryness and cracking. Wearing mittens and gloves to protect your hands from the weather is important.

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Hot Weather 

Although it’s not guaranteed, burning on your hands is less common than on your back, arms, and legs. Considering how thin the skin is on the back of the hand, sunburns there can be extremely painful and itchy. They can also cause dryness around the nails and cuticles.

There’s a Lot of Hand Sanitizer on You

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,cuticles dry and cracked
,why are my cuticles dry
,why are my cuticles dry and peeling
,cuticles dry and peeling
,why do my cuticles dry out
,why do cuticles dry out
,why are my cuticles dry and painful
,what makes your cuticles dry
,cuticles dry and splitting
,cuticles dry and hurt
,cuticles always dry and peelingUsing hand sanitizer is crucial for protecting your body from bacteria and germs from the outside, just like washing your hands. However, alcohol, which is a common ingredient in hand sanitizers, can cause dryness and itching if used excessively.

 Exposure to Acetone

Since you don’t need to use much to remove your dip polish, acetone is generally safe. However, it contains drying ingredients, just like hand sanitizer, and over time, it can cause your skin to become less moisturised.

Although nail polish frequently contains acetone as one of its main ingredients, it is more gentle than undiluted acetone. Frequently removing nail polish could be a factor in your dry cuticles.