While many conditions affect both men and women, certain health issues are more common and have a different effect on women.  Moreover, the majority of medication trials do not include female test subjects, and many women’s health issues remain undiagnosed. However, certain health issues are specific to women, such as menopause, pregnancy, breast and cervical cancer. Compared to men, women die from heart attacks at a higher rate. In female patients, anxiety and depression are more common. Sexually transmitted infections can affect women more severely than men, and urinary tract disorders tend to affect them more frequently. The following eight illnesses are among the most common conditions that affect women and carry significant health risks.

Heart Disorders

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,women's health ctHeart disease accounts for one out of every four deaths among women in the US. [2] Despite the public’s perception that heart disease primarily affects men, almost equally as many women as men are affected by it. However, only 54% of women are aware that the leading health threat to their gender is heart disease. In the US, 49% of consumers smoke, have high blood pressure, or have high cholesterol—conditions that increase the risk of heart disease.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most aggressive type of cancer affecting women worldwide. It usually starts in the lining of the milk ducts and can spread to other organs.  Because women tend to live longer in developed countries, the condition is more common in these populations.

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Breast lumps can initially appear in women with breast cancer. The majority of breast lumps are not dangerous, but it’s still vital for women to have a healthcare professional examine each one.

Cervical and Ovarian Cancer

There are differences between cervical and ovarian cancer that many people are unaware of.  Whereas ovarian cancer begins in the fallopian tubes, cervical cancer begins in the lower uterus. Cervical cancer also causes discharge and pain during sexual activity, even though the two conditions cause pain that is similar.

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Although the symptoms of ovarian cancer are incredibly ill-defined, the disease is extremely complicated. Pap smears identify cervical cancer, but not ovarian cancer.

Gynecological Healt

Discharge and bleeding are typical aspects of the menstrual cycle.  Unusual symptoms, like bleeding in between periods and frequent urination, can mimic other medical conditions. However, additional symptoms experienced during menstruation may indicate health issues.,womens health
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,valley women's health
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Serious conditions like reproductive tract cancer or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) may also be indicated by vaginal problems. Even though medical professionals may find it easy to treat minor infections, if they are not treated, they can cause diseases like kidney failure or infertility.

Obstetrical Problems

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,valley women's health
,women's health ctPregnancy can exacerbate pre-existing conditions, endangering both the mother’s and the unborn child’s health.  If unmanaged during pregnancy, depression, diabetes, and asthma can be harmful to both the mother and the unborn child.