When humans first stepped on the earth nearly 5,000 years ago, life was unorganised with the most advanced being on the planet having little or no knowledge about civilisation. Food was consumed raw, transportation was extremely difficult, the thought of cities and towns was far-fetched. Humans coexisted with animals in the wild and both of them killed each other for the survival of their clan. With the discovery of fire, iron tools and clothes, the humans evolved and the distance of necessary things from the resident areas reduced.

A few centuries later, several families came together to organise the way of living by arranging all the necessary things for survival within a certain area that was deemed fit for living and comparatively safer than other parts. This is how the concept of cities would’ve come to people’s mind. With the passage of time, humans became smarter and survival became easier. Cities became capable of fulfilling every basic requirement and modern-day cities are well-equipped to fulfil almost every need of the inhabitants. But, it was not always the same. Several cities were destroyed, buried underwater, land or ceased to exist due to other reasons in the past few centuries. However, some braved the wrath of time and stand tall till today. This list features the 6 oldest cities on the earth.

6. Varanasi: While records say that the city is at least 5,000 years old, religious experts believe that the city is older than the records themselves. A key holy city for Hindus and Buddhists, the city is said to be founded by the Hindu deity Lord Shiva himself. Located on the West Bank of river Ganga (Ganges), the city is also known as Banaras and it witnessed the highest number of burning pyres every day. While this city is sixth on this list, religious experts and scriptures indicate that the city is the oldest city on the planet and was home to Hindu gods years before humans came into existence. American author Mark Twain once said about Varanasi: ‘Benares is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together’.

5. Athens, Greece: Athens is the largest city in Greece and also the capital of the country. According to the records, the first human presence was recorded in Greece between the 11th and the 7th millennium BC. Several Western civilisations originated and emerged from here. The city is older than the days of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Several civilisations came and vanished but Athens was always there, holding its fort. From ancient history to modern history, Athen has a significant position in every story of the past. Athens is said to be 7,000 years old.

4. Argos, Greece: Athens is not the only city in Greece that is older than many civilisations. Argos is at least 7,000 years old and is also one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Despite several bloody wars including the Greco-Persian wars, Argos remained neutral. It is home to over 22,000 residents and hundreds of ancient monuments and architectures at present.

3. Byblos, Lebanon: Byblos is the largest and the oldest city in Lebanon. It is a few years older than Argos and said to have come into existence more than 7,000 years old. According to the earliest records that have been found the city was inhabited by humans for the first time between 8800 and 7000 BC and they continuously inhabited the city since 5000 BC. The city is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site. According to history records, the first import of papyrus in Greece took place here. 


2. Aleppo, Syria: Aleppo is the capital of the Aleppo governorate and the first available proof of human existence is the city go back to 8000 years ago. The researchers have found remnants of human settlements dating back to 11,000 BC. Aleppo was an important trading hub during the ancient era due to its strategic location between the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia. The city has witnessed a lot of bloodshed since 2012 due to a constant struggle between the government and rebel forces. It is at least 8,000 years old.

1. Damascus, Syria: Damascus is regarded as the capital of the Arab culture. Many civilisations rose and fell but Damascus was always there. Humans first entered the city somewhere in the second half of the seventh millennium BC. The city is currently home to over 2 million residents and was named the Arab Capital of Culture in 2008. Just like Aleppo, Damascus has also seen a lot including several bloody struggles mainly over religious issues. Many historic structures are present in the city.