It’s not necessary for health fanatics and metaphorical dieters to avoid eating street food. It’s a common misconception that street food is rich in calories. People, that isn’t totally accurate. There are also lots of healthful street cuisines from North India. Remember these nutritious street meals, and the next time, start nibbling on them with the group.

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 Shakarkandi Chaat

In North India, you can find every other street vendor serving shakarkandi, or sweet potato chaat, during the winter. Iron, calcium, fibre, B vitamins, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin A are all present in sweet potatoes. Another excellent food for weight loss is sweet potatoes. Don’t forget to savour a steaming bowl of sweet potato chaat over the next winter.


One of the healthiest foods to eat on the street is bhelpuri. Puffed rice and chutneys are combined with raw onions, tomatoes, potatoes, coriander, green chilies, and a few other raw spices. You might request that the street stall vendor omit the fried papdi and nylon sev in order to make bhelpuri healthier.

Paneer Tikka

One of the healthiest North Indian street food staples is the flavorful paneer tikka. It has a lot of vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Definitely healthier than other fried street food is paneer tikka.

Also read: What nutrients are required for Bone health?

Vegetable Paratha

Although the health benefits of parathas may not be immediately apparent, you can readily locate restaurants serving nutritious parathas cooked with olive oil and a generous amount of vegetables because fitness is currently popular. The parathas’ dense vegetable stuffing will keep you full for a very long time.

Wheat Momos

Momo, a Northeasterner by birth, has a unique niche in the North’s street food culture. Although the steamed version is healthier than the fried one, regular eating may not be recommended due to the excessive usage of maida in the outer layer. But there’s no denying that fitness is a trend, and you can find whole wheat momos readily. Though it tastes nothing like Maida, this alternative is unquestionably healthier.