Walnuts are abundant in antioxidants and heart-healthy lipids. Furthermore, eating walnuts daily may boost brain function and lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. They are a real superfood, packed with beneficial vital fats, antioxidants, vitamins, trace minerals, protein, and fiber. These tree nuts are also low in salt, cholesterol-free, and distinctive in that they contain omega-3 fatty acids. 

You can eat them as is or add them as toppings to a desert or a salad. They can work wonders if incorporated into our diet.

Here are 7 ways walnuts benefits our overall health

1)Contains healthy fats

ALA, or alpha-linolenic acid, is an omega-3 fatty acid that has been shown to decrease inflammation. Walnuts have the highest concentration of ALA of any nut. Over four weeks, the effects of walnut eating on the omega-3 fatty acid profile of healthy persons were investigated in research published in the journal Nutrients in 2020. According to the researchers, the omega-3 status of the patients improved after a month of eating a couple of ounces of walnuts daily. They also saw weight and fat loss and increases in lean body mass and body water. Walnuts are also high in polyunsaturated fats, which are less harmful to your health than saturated fats.

walnut and cancer

2)Protection from Cancer

Early research suggests eating walnuts may reduce your risk of some cancers. They contain ellagic acid, a kind of acid that is also found in pecans. Bacteria in your stomach and intestines convert this acid into antioxidant-rich chemicals that may mitigate cancer. In a study published in Nutrition Research, researchers looked at the impact of breast cancer growth in women, building on prior animal studies. Women with breast lumps were randomly allocated to ingest two ounces of walnuts per day or zero walnuts for two to three weeks just before surgery in the experiment.

The results of the first biopsy were compared with the results obtained after the lumps were removed. Scientists discovered that walnut eating changed the expression of over 450 genes in tumors, potentially suppressing cancer development and improving survival results.

Also Read, Bodybuilding Foods: A diet to build lean muscles

3)Improves Male Fertility

Taking a handful of walnuts every day can help boost sperm vitality and motility, which is one of the advantages of walnuts. It may also aid in the prevention of sperm morphology or aberrant sperm growth. Almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts are filled with nutrients that have been associated with better sperm — such as omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and antioxidants like vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. These nutrients have been shown to protect sperm from damage caused by free radicals and keep sperm structurally intact.

In 2019, the journal Nutrients published the largest clinical research to examine the impact of nut intake on sexual function in healthy males. According to the researchers, over 14 weeks, males who ate around two servings (two ounces) of a nut combination daily as part of a Western-style diet reported a substantial boost in climactic function and sexual desire.

4)Helps Weight Regulation

walnut benefits

Walnuts, in addition to all of their other health advantages, may be an effective weight-loss strategy. Walnuts are high in fiber, protein, and fat, all of which help you feel satiated for longer. These nuts are unquestionably superior to most low-calorie snacks or vending machine fare. With walnuts, there’s no chance of a sugar surge or crash! Take a couple of portioned packs of walnuts to work with you to nibble on.

Subjects were given smoothies containing walnuts or no walnuts for five days while living in a supervised clinical research center, according to a small study published in the journal Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism. The inclusion of walnuts reduced hunger pangs and improved appetite control. The effect of walnuts on satiety, according to researchers, might be linked to alterations in the central nervous system that modify food signals. The change might assist in reducing the risk of obesity.

5)Boosts Brain activity

walnut and brain

Walnuts are the best nut for your brain. They have a high percentage of DHA, which is an Omega-3 fatty acid. DHA has been demonstrated to maintain neonatal brain health, increase cognitive function in adults, and prevent or mitigate the age-related cognitive decline, among other things. These nuts also have the highest concentration of polyphenolic chemicals of any nut. Both omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols are regarded as important brain nutrients that may help to prevent oxidative stress and inflammation. These two factors contribute to cognitive loss.

They also aid in brain signaling and neurogenesis, or the formation of new neurons. Walnuts include a variety of vital nutrients, including vitamin E, folate, and ellagic acid, all of which help with neuroprotection and memory performance.

6)Reduces Blood Pressure and risk of Heart-Disease

Walnuts may assist people in decreasing their blood pressure if they eat them as part of a low-saturated-fat diet. Walnuts include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 that experts believe can help lower blood pressure. Researchers showed that eating whole walnuts provided higher advantages than eating a diet with a comparable fatty acid profile and no walnuts in a 2019 study published in the American Heart Association Journal. The study found that central diastolic blood pressure, the pressure that goes towards the heart, was reduced, and cholesterol profiles improved.

According to the researchers, the study demonstrates how a seemingly minor dietary modification can result in major cardiovascular advantages.

Walnuts increased good gut bacteria associated with health benefits, including lower blood pressure and total cholesterol, in a six-week Penn State trial of overweight people with cardiovascular risk. Walnuts’ bioactive components may play a key role in influencing illness outcomes by modifying the intestinal environment.

eat walnuts

7)Helps in maintaining Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails

Walnuts include the potent antioxidant vitamin E, which helps the skin seem younger and healthier. Walnut oil can also be used topically to prevent dry skin. Walnuts provide your body with essential Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids protect your skin by strengthening skin cell membranes and keeping toxins out while also sealing in moisture and nutrients to keep your skin shining! 

Walnuts are also high in biotin, or vitamin B7. This nutrient is considered to help hair and nails flourish thicker and stronger while also preventing hair loss. Vitamin E can also help you achieve a healthy shine in your nails and hair. It is also rumored to have Anti-ageing effects on the skin.