Technology and gadgets has made our lives easy and convenient in an uncountable number of ways. From basic calculation to electricity and vehicles, everything that we use for making our life easy and doing complex tasks easily is due to the advancements that the world has achieved in terms of technology. Weather in any part of the word can be predicted in advance, thousands of kilometres of distance can be covered in a few hours and we can converse with our loved ones sitting far away just by a few clicks. It is the technology and science that has made all these things possible.

One such gift of technology is the tech gadgets that we use in our day to day life. From our mobile phones to laptops, music players, VR setups, cameras and other similar machines. All these gadgets have become an integral part of our lives and we can’t imagine what we would do if without these. Gadgets have made our lives very convenient and most of the tasks such as ordering food or shopping essentials can be done online while sitting at the comfort of our homes with the help of these gadgets.

Technology is making progress every day and gadgets are becoming more capable, smaller and compact. The smaller size of the gadgets also makes them portable and we can easily carry them with ourselves. We are going to tell our readers about 7 such gadgets that can make their lives easier and more convenient.

Mini Speaker

Mini Speaker

Music is something that soothes the soul and helps an individual in coping with different emotions. Listening to music on earphones for a long time can be harmful for your years as well as your brain. One alternative is listening to it on the woofer but that is only possible when you are at home. But what if I tell you that you can now take your speaker with you wherever you go? Yes, there are several Bluetooth mini speakers available in the market that are really portable. Some of them are so small that you can keep them in the pocket. Once charged, you can play music on them for 6-8 hours. Bluetooth connectivity also eliminates the requirement of wiring.

Self Cleaning Water Bottle

Self Cleaning Water Bottle a gadget that should be essential

Drinking water is a basic necessity for every individual but having access to clean drinking water is a luxury now a days. A self-cleaning water bottle is a perfect gadget to give yourself in today’s conditions. If you don’t have the time to stand next to an RO until the container gets filled, you can purchase a self-cleaning water bottle that kills germs and bacteria, thanks to UVC light. The bottle generally comes with two modes – Normal and Adventure. The bottle is capable of killing up to 99.99% of germs and bacteria.

Gadget Bluetooth Key Finder 

Gadgets Bluetooth Key Finder 

There would be hardly anyone in the world who hasn’t lost the key to their home, office or vehicle ever. Keys are very small, and hence it is a task to keep them safe always. A Bluetooth key finder is a modern-day device that prevents your key/keys from getting lost by sending frequent reminders to your home. It can be attached to several other things like school bags, toys etc. The device is water-proof. It comes with a loud alarm that makes sure that your important items remain safe.

Portable Smartphone Printer

Portable Smartphone Printer

From printing school projects to office projects, business assignments, official reports and property documents, there are several documents that need us to rush to the printer or fax shop in the city. Well, what if I told you that you can do all these minor tasks at your home with a minimum investment in comparison to the setups in the photocopy and printing shops? Portable smartphone printers are compact in size. You can take printouts instantly as these printers have wifi connectivity. Apart from this, you can also print your pictures with the help of these printers.

Also Read, Best James Bond Gifts and Gadgets: Watch is one of them

Power Bank Charger

Power Bank Charger

One thing that I have learned over the years is no amount of battery backup in enough when it comes to smartphones. The use increases automatically with the increase in battery backup. Now, it is easy to charge your home when you are at home or at the office. But what about when you are travelling or doing some important task at low battery. A power bank is a portable device that can be charged and later used to charge your phone up to 3 or 4 times. You can operate your phone and charge it simultaneously with the help of a power bank.

Wi-Fi Hotspots

Wi-Fi Hotspots

Governments around the world must be thanked for providing free Wi-Fi at public places but the only problem is that these connections come with a limitation of 30 minutes to an hour. But, what after that? If you want an uninterrupted wi-fi connection for a long time, getting a portable wi-fi hotspot might not be a bad idea. First, they are portable and you can carry them with you anywhere. Second, they provide an uninterrupted internet connection. This comes really handy during international travels.

Health Tracker

Health Tracker

Technology has progressed so much that it can predict fatal problems like heart attacks and strokes hours or days before you actually encounter them. Health trackers are portable gadgets that come in different forms including wearables. They are connected to your smartphone and keep a record of important health-related factors including calorie, heartbeat rate and blood pressure. This is not a bad investment at all.