We can do many things to make our weekends and holidays interesting, including going out with friends, going to movies, planning a short trip, or going to a club. But with so many restrictions in place and going out not being the best of the options to enjoy your weekend, one of the best things you can do is inviting your friends and loved ones home and bringing the party to your house instead of going to a pub or club for a party. 

Also, the trend of house parties getting popular in metro cities, and with the current situation where going out in crowded places is not the safest of the options, house parties can be the best alternative to start your weekend with a bang. 

But with the same faces, the same food, the same drinks, and the same activities reappearing every weekend, things can go boring and kill the participants’ interest. This is why people are more tipped towards the idea of going out and dancing to the beats in a pub instead of inviting friends to their house for a party. 

However, there are ways you can make your house parties interesting that go way beyond a diverse and delicious menu and drinks. 

We’ve compiled a list of some entertaining and fun drinking games that will keep the hosts and well the guests entertained, and your party will never get boring.

Never Have I Ever: 

drinking games, never have i ever

In almost every youth-centric movie or TV series, one party activity that is seen is the very popular ‘Never Have I Ever Game.’ All you need is drinks, some friends who are open to sharing their secrets, and a place. The rules of the game are very simple, you have to say ‘Never Have I Ever and then state something that you haven’t done, and those in the group who have done the thing will have to take a sip of the drink. 


thumper, drinking games

Thumper is another very cool game involving drinks. The game basically judges your reaction time. Sit in a circle with a glass of drink in everyone’s hand. All you have to do is pick a sign, say a victory sign or a thumbs-up, and the game begins when everyone thumps at the table in the center. After you do your action, you can do the action of the next person. The next person will now have to repeat their action followed by the person they want to choose next. This continues until someone takes too long to react or forget the action. The one taking too long to react has to take a sip of the drink.

Flip Cup: 

Cup Flip

Flip Cup is another dope game that has been ruling our Insta and Snapchat feeds for quite some time now. You can start this game right at the beginning of the party to set the mood right. To play this game, you need to divide people into two teams who are required to stand face to face on either side of the table and cups filled with drinks on the edge of the table. Every player must finish their drink and flip the cup upside down using the fingers before the next player starts drinking. The first team to complete the process is the winner.

Most Likely: 

Most likely drinking game

This game is an enhanced version of ‘Never Have I Ever. You need to sit in a circle to play this game. Random questions with ‘most likely’ probability are asked. Like, “Who would be the most likely to puke after 4 pegs of drinks?” and everyone needs to point their fingers at the person they think is most likely to puke. The person who has the most fingers pointed at them has to drink as many drinks. 

Bite The Bag: 

bite the bag

Bite The Bag is one of the most unique and interesting games that you must try this weekend. The game is straightforward and convenient to play. All you need is a bag (preferably a paper bag) and drinks to pay for this game. The bag is kept on the ground, and everyone has to pick that bag up using their mouth without taking even the slightest help from their hands—those unable to pick it up have to drink. The bag is chopped 1 inch or so after every round.


Buzz drinking game

Buzz is probably the simplest drinking game that almost everyone can play. All you need to have is drink until you don’t. It is a simple counting game where each player starts counting a number aloud except for 7 and its multiples. In the case of 7 or its multiples, you have to say buzz, and if you fail to do so, you have to drink. 

Kings Cup: 

drinking games

Kings Cup is a straightforward game where you need to have drinks, and the chart is given below that you can easily find on the internet. The more the people, the more the enjoyment. It is a card picking game where you have to do what the chart says every time you pick a card. The enjoyment increases after a few booze rounds and people tend to make more funny blunders after they are a few pegs down.

Drunk Jenga: 

jenga, drunk jenga

Drunk Jenga is making Jenga funnier by involving drinks. Jenga has 54 blocks with funny challenges written on them. The rule of the game is pretty simple. Pick one block from the pile of blocks and place it on the top of the pile. Place the block carefully and ensure that the pile does not fall, as you’ll have to finish your drink and pick up two blocks to complete the challenge if the stack falls.