Potassium, an electrolyte, and a vital mineral help maintain normal blood pressure in the body. Also, helps in the transportation of nutrients to the cell and keeps the functioning of nerves and muscles properly and inflow. So we need food rich in potassium to keep us going through the day. Potassium is one of the important minerals that is needed by the body in sufficient amounts. The deficiency of potassium in the human body can lead to so many diseases such as muscle cramps, fatigue, abnormal rhythm of heart, etc.

According to the National Academy of Medicine, the adequate potassium intake for women of 14 to 18 years is 2,300mg daily. For women, more than 19 is 2,600mg daily. But for pregnant women, the adequate intake of potassium ranges from 2,500 to 2,900mg according to age. Similarly, for men between 14 to 18 years is 3,000 mg and for the men above q9 is 3,400 mg daily. To meet this adequate amount of potassium in the body, there is no need for any supplements. These requirements can be met by including food rich in potassium. 




Avocado is one of the tasty and buttery fruits that are easily available in the markets. Avocado is rich in potassium and so many other nutrients such as vitamin K, E, and C. In half a cup of Avocado, about 5 grams of fiber are present. In half a serving of avocado, about 364 mg of potassium is present. It can be included in a diet as a raw salad, dip on the toasts, pasta dishes, or cooked meals. 

Know More, Amazing Health Benefits of Avocado you Never Knew


yogurt milk

People often associate dairy products with a high amount of calcium. Still, there are some like milk and yogurt that are the food rich in potassium. Milk and yogurt can also be included in the diet to meet the requirement of calcium and potassium. A study conducted in the US recently shows that a cup of 1 % of milk has 366 mg of potassium. A cup of plain and non-fat yogurt contains about 679 mg of potassium. Also, according to a study adding creamers and milk raises the level of potassium content.



Raisin, dried fruit is easily available in the markets is also a food rich in potassium. Including raisins in the diet can help up to a great extent in meeting the demand for potassium in the body. In half a cup of raisins, about 618 mg of potassium is present. If you want to prefer the healthier one, then go for the raisins that only contain dried grapes, not any added coating, sugar, or other ingredients. 



There are various beans available in the market that differ in shapes, sizes, and colors, and most of them contain are food rich in potassium. A cup of kidney beans provides 607mg of potassium, adzuki beans provide 612 mg of potassium, navy beans provide 354mg of potassium, lima beans provide 595mg of potassium, white beans provide 595mg of potassium. Black beans provide 401mg of potassium.



Tomatoes are the combo that offers so many health benefits and is rich in so many nutrients, including potassium. To extract more potassium through these tomatoes, the best way is to use the concentrated products of tomatoes such as tomato juice, tomato puree, etc. The amount of potassium present in the fresh tomato is about 292mg. The amount of potassium present in half a cup of tomato puree is about 549 mg. A cup of tomato juice contains 527 mg. Tomato puree can easily be included in the diet, such as pasta sauces, cooking several vegetables, etc.



Potatoes are also an excellent food that is rich in potassium. Most of the potassium is contained in the skin of the potato. Eating a baked potato can provide enough potassium, whereas eating the fried potatoes such as French fries or something can’t provide nutrients instead of oil and fat. Eating one medium-sized baked potato with skin can provide 941 mg of potassium in the body. 


dried apricots

So many dried fruits contain a high amount of potassium in them, and so is the case with dried apricots. The bright orange fruit of apricot is the favorite of many and rich in potassium, antioxidants, and iron. The fruit can be eaten fresh or dried. Half a cup of dried apricots contains about 1,101 mg of potassium. While purchasing apricots, make sure that you pick the apricots that contain no added sugar to get the higher amount of potassium from them. 


Green leafy vegetables are certain food rich in potassium and in so many other nutrients. The green leafy vegetables are low in calories and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and potassium. A cup of cooked spinach contains about 838 mg of potassium. A cup of cooked Swiss chard contains up to 962 mg of potassium. A cup of cooked amaranth leaves contains about 846mg of potassium. 


Prunes are nothing, just dried plums. Prunes are rich in fibers and help a lot in relieving constipation. Its juice, i.e., prune juice, can be prepared by adding water into the prunes and cooking them for some time, and then filtering the solid out from the juice. In a cup of canned prune juice, 707 mg of potassium and half a cup of dried prunes contain 699mg of potassium. 


Lentils, the small round legumes, contain an ample amount of fibers and nutrients. Also, they are rich in protein and potassium. A cup of cooked lentils contains 731 mg of potassium. To include lentils in your diet is not that tough task. It can be added in soups, stews, and a quick option; canned lentils can be used rather than dried.