Waking up early in the morning and going to the gym is a really healthy habit and suits your body. But it could be a daunting task during the winters. Winters are cold, harsh and bring laziness with them. The waking up time is delayed automatically and the workout routine gets affected. It is pretty normal to feel laziness during the winters and a lot of people skip their workout sessions due to the problem during this season. Even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts might see this happening with them as the temperatures grow colder and mercury level falls down rapidly. In such cases, only an unhindered motivation can lead you to the part of fitness. The question is, how to find that motivation?

Well, I have no secret pill for motivation but that doesn’t mean there are no other ways. A changed time table doesn’t mean you can’t find some time for yourself and your fitness. You just need the motivation to jump out of the bed after a long cold night. Time constraint, laziness, inconsistency, bad weather, health-related problems are some of the issues that can pose as distractions in your way to become fit. You need to address one problem at a time and you will be in command slowly but certainly. This blog contains 7 such tips that will help you find the motivation required to remain fit even during the harsh winters.

Make a habit of going to the gym even when not motivated

Make a habit of going to the gym even when not motivated

Yes, going to the gym and doing a workout at the gym are two different things. But when you go to the gym every day no matter what, it slowly develops into a habit. Once this part is done, motivation to workout will follow. This happens to everybody. If you manage to go to the gym for a month without missing a session, you will find yourself adapting the schedule without even realising.

Find a Workout Partner

Find a Workout Partner to feel motivated

There’s a reason that they say ‘two is a company’. If you go to the gym with your friend or partner, one of you two will make sure that you both don’t miss any gym sessions when the other one is feeling lazy. When you have a partner at the gym, it is easier to divide your days and allocate a day each to different muscle groups. Also, it becomes easier to lift heavy as there’s someone to support you.

Also Read, 8 Foods That Will Help You Beat Fatigue

Release the Mental Health Benefits of Working Out

Release the Mental Health Benefits of Working Out

Working out regularly has a lot of mental health benefits and for those who have a 9-5 or 10-6 work schedule, it can be really beneficial as problems like headache and stress are common for such people. You’ll notice your mental health problems vanishing automatically once you start working out regularly. Keep the benefits of working out in your mind and you’ll be automatically pulled towards the gym.

Proper Sleep

Proper sleep in winters

A big reason behind feeling tired or dizzy is not getting proper sleep. This is more common during the winters. The secret to waking up in time and going to the gym is sleeping in time and having a proper sleep. Once you sleep on time, your energy levels are restored after you wake up. It is also important for proper recovery after an intense workout session.

Optimizing Morning Alarm

Optimizing Morning Alarm

It might be difficult for you to wake up on time during the winters and hence setting up an alarm might not be a bad idea. Chances are that you already do that but if you are one of those who set multiple alarms, drop the habit now. Setting up multiple alarms not only affects your sleep, but it also brings back the laziness. Set an alarm after analyzing the time that you are comfortable in waking up. 

Steam Bath or Warm Water Bath

Take Steam Bath or Warm Water Bath

Who doesn’t like a warm water bath in the winters? It is usually a good practice to take a steam bath after an intense workout session as it helps in relaxing the muscles and it also takes away the laziness. You should develop a habit of taking warm water baths multiple times during the winter as it helps you in remaining energetic and relaxed.

Not Eating Too Much Before Workout

Not Eating Too Much Before Workout

People tend to eat more during winters. If you are eating healthy and on gain mode, it might be a good idea but if you are eating just anything, it is high time that you keep a check on your eating habits especially before the gym time. Eating more might lead to a sleepy feeling and you as a result, you might be skipping the gym sessions.