Eat foods high in biotin to nourish your hair.
Include these foods high in biotin in your diet to help your hair recover internally.
What advantages come with consuming foods high in biotin?

Consuming foods high in biotin can improve general health and wellbeing in a number of ways. In addition to helping with energy metabolism and maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails, biotin also supports healthy nervous system function. It also helps to keep blood sugar levels within normal ranges and can support the body’s general nutrient balance.

how much biotin I need?

Age and particular medical conditions can have an impact on the daily recommended intake of biotin. A typical suggested intake for most adults is approximately 30 mcg per day.

1. Avocado:

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,biotin and collagen shampooThis fruit, high in biotin, is great for nourishing hair. Rich in good fats, avocados keep hair hydrated and help to prevent breakage.

2. Almonds:

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,biotin and collagen shampooAlmonds contain vitamin E and biotin, which you can use to power your hair. They are a great source of the two nutrients that give your hair strength and health.

3. Sweet potatoes:

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,biotin and collagen shampooSweet potatoes provide two times the amount of nutrients that improve hair. Rich in biotin and vitamin A, they enhance hair health and growth in general.

4. Cauliflower:

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,biotin and collagen shampooRich in vitamins like Vitamin and Biotin, this cruciferous vegetable encourages the growth of hair.

5. Seeds from sunflowers

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,biotin and collagen shampooSunflower seeds are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin E, all of which support healthy hair. They are also a powerful source of biotin.

Also read: 5 Health Benefits of Surinam Cherry

6. Mushrooms:

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,biotin and collagen shampooThese nutrient-dense fungi are a superfood that is high in biotin. Apart from promoting hair health, they provide numerous additional health advantages. They are protected from parasites and predators by their high concentration of biotin.

7. Carrots:

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,biotin and collagen shampooThis crunchy vegetable will give your hair a healthy boost. Vitamin A and biotin content in carrots are high, which supports healthy hair growth and general health.