It sounds like a lot of fun to spend a hot summer day by the pool with an ice-cold beverage. Prolonged sun exposure, however, can damage your skin and increase your risk of developing skin cancer in addition to causing premature aging.

Signs of sun-damaged skin include dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and deep set wrinkles around the eyes. We understand that you can’t spend all of your time indoors, even though avoiding the sun is the best way to prevent sun damage. Thus, bear in mind the following advice to enjoy the sun without endangering

  1. SPF cannot be negotiated

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image credit: sailworld

You’ve probably heard this a million times already, but that’s only because it’s true: sunscreen is a must-have regardless of the weather. The strong UV rays harm your skin on your face and other exposed areas of your body, even on cloudy days. Select an SPF of 20 to 50, depending on the time of year and your location, to provide your skin with enough defence against UV rays and avoid sun damage. Additionally, don’t forget to apply a generous amount; otherwise, not even the best SPF moisturiser will be able to shield your skin. Before you go outside in the sun, apply your sunscreen and reapply it at least 15 to 20 minutes beforehand.

  1. Apply a vitamin C serum to lessen dark spots caused by the sun.

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image credit: amazon

In addition to healing pre-existing skin damage, vitamin C also scavenges free radicals and stops new damage from occurring. Additionally, vitamin C promotes the synthesis of collagen in your skin, which maintains its youthful appearance. Vitamin C’s brightening qualities make it an ideal ingredient for sun-damaged skin, as they help fade dark sun spots and hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C serums that are high in antioxidants brighten, protect, and repair your skin while reducing dark spots. As part of your nightly and morning routine, incorporate a vitamin C serum to lessen the effects of sun damage on your face.

  1. Include night and morning face creams in your routine.

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image credit: lafayre

Long-term sun exposure can dehydrate and dry out your skin or trigger an overactive sebaceous gland that leaves your face looking oily. You can preserve the equilibrium of your skin and keep your sun-damaged skin nourished and hydrated even in the intense heat by using a moisturising cream that is appropriate for your skin type. During the day, use a light face cream to protect your skin from the sun and other environmental aggressors while also giving it a boost of freshness. During the night, your skin repairs and regenerates, so use a night cream to help your skin while you sleep.

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  1. Take a calculated step outside

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images credit: uv blocker

Sunscreen, scarves, long sleeve shirts, long pants, wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses are simple ways to protect your skin from UV radiation. Make intelligent fabric selections because tightly woven materials in dark hues block more light than loosely woven materials in white and other light hues. Since the sun’s rays are at their strongest between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, try to avoid being outside during this time.

  1. Consume a lot of foods that protect and heal skin damaged by the sun.

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image credit: familydoctor

Keeping up a nutritious, antioxidant-rich diet is a great way to prevent sun damage to your skin. Think of the chemicals that shield plants from the sun’s rays as natural sunscreen for your skin. Vitamin C-rich foods, nuts and seeds that contain omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E, red and orange fruits and vegetables like peppers, tomatoes, and carrots, foods high in beta-carotene like sweet potatoes, and dark leafy and cruciferous vegetables all shield your skin cells from oxidative damage and maintain its youthful appearance.