A trace mineral called zinc is vital to numerous bodily processes. Strong body muscles, skin, the pancreas, the liver, and the kidney all contain it. Because zinc interacts with T cells, which are an important part of your immune system, it is necessary for a healthy immune system. In addition, it is essential for the synthesis of over 300 enzymes in the body, helps heal wounds, synthesises proteins, synthesises DNA, and maintains a healthy sense of taste and smell. 

Despite having a low requirement, zinc is necessary for the body’s normal development. Your body cannot store zinc, so you must obtain adequate of it through your regular diet. Zinc deficiency is a common condition. low zinc levels


,,zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for men
,zinc benefits for women
,vitamin c and zinc benefits
,quercetin and zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for skin
,vitamin zinc benefits
,niacinamide and zinc benefits
,calcium magnesium zinc benefits
,magnesium and zinc benefits
,ionic zinc benefits
,zinc benefits and side effects
,zinc benefits acneChickpeas are a common ingredient in Indian cuisine. Chickpeas are your best bet if you want to meet your zinc needs without consuming meat. A cup of cooked chickpeas has 2.5 mg of zinc in addition to being high in fibre and protein. Chickpeas can be added to salads, curries, and snacks. 


,,zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for men
,zinc benefits for women
,vitamin c and zinc benefits
,quercetin and zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for skin
,vitamin zinc benefits
,niacinamide and zinc benefits
,calcium magnesium zinc benefits
,magnesium and zinc benefits
,ionic zinc benefits
,zinc benefits and side effects
,zinc benefits acneThe best source of zinc is lentils. In addition, they are low in calories and fat and high in vital nutrients like fibre and protein. Zinc content in a cup of lentils is nearly 4.7 mg. Use them as a curried vegetable in everyday meals. 

Pumpkin seeds

,,zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for men
,zinc benefits for women
,vitamin c and zinc benefits
,quercetin and zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for skin
,vitamin zinc benefits
,niacinamide and zinc benefits
,calcium magnesium zinc benefits
,magnesium and zinc benefits
,ionic zinc benefits
,zinc benefits and side effects
,zinc benefits acne

Pumpkin seeds can be added to a wide variety of dishes and are very versatile. A handful of pumpkin seeds also contains 8.5 mg of plant-based proteins and 2.2 mg of zinc. Eating a diet high in pumpkin seeds may reduce the risk of cancer, according to research. 

Also read: 5 Best Anti-Aging Herbs to Fight Skin Aging

Hemp seeds

,,zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for men
,zinc benefits for women
,vitamin c and zinc benefits
,quercetin and zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for skin
,vitamin zinc benefits
,niacinamide and zinc benefits
,calcium magnesium zinc benefits
,magnesium and zinc benefits
,ionic zinc benefits
,zinc benefits and side effects
,zinc benefits acneHemp seeds are loaded with unsaturated fats and zinc. Three-tablespoon hemp seed contains 3 mg of zinc. Hemp seeds are also rich in amino acids arginine, which helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Try sprinkling them on yoghurt or salads.


,,zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for men
,zinc benefits for women
,vitamin c and zinc benefits
,quercetin and zinc benefits
,zinc benefits for skin
,vitamin zinc benefits
,niacinamide and zinc benefits
,calcium magnesium zinc benefits
,magnesium and zinc benefits
,ionic zinc benefits
,zinc benefits and side effects
,zinc benefits acneBeans, particularly black and kidney beans, are a great source of zinc. These beans are also rich in proteins, iron, phosphorus, calcium, soluble and insoluble fibres, and other nutrients that promote general health. Zinc content is 2 mg per cup for cooked black beans and 0.9 mg per half cup for cooked kidney beans.