Making dietary and lifestyle adjustments are only one of the many home remedies that may be used to treat high blood pressure and enhance heart health.
High blood pressure: what is it?
The heart’s effort to drive blood through the arteries is measured as blood pressure. Blood pressure levels that are less than 120/80 mm Hg are regarded as normal (Reliable Source).
When blood pressure is high, blood rushes through the arteries more forcefully. This has an impact on the blood vessels and puts more strain on the delicate areas of the arteries.
As a “silent killer,” it frequently takes substantial cardiac damage before symptoms start to appear. Since there are no overt signs of high blood pressure, the majority of individuals are not aware that they have it.
Here are some home remedies to try in order to reduce hypertension
Active living is a crucial component of healthy life.
Regular exercise boosts your mood, strength, and balance in addition to lowering your blood pressure. Additionally, it lowers your chance of developing diabetes and other forms of heart disease.
Consult a doctor for advice on a safe exercise programme if you’ve been sedentary for a time. Begin cautiously, then increase the intensity and frequency of your exercises gradually.
Adhere to the DASH diet
Your systolic blood pressure can drop by up to 11 mm Hg by following the DASH diet, according to a reliable source. The DASH diet includes:
eating entire grains, fruits, and veggies
consuming lean meats, fish, nuts, and low-fat dairy products while avoiding processed meals, high-fat dairy products, and fatty meats that are high in saturated fats.
Limit your sodium intake
Sodium consumption needs to be decreased in order to reduce blood pressure.
Some people begin to retain fluid when they consume too much salt. Blood pressure increases dramatically as a result of this.
The American Heart Association (AHA) advises keeping your daily sodium consumption between 1,500 milligrammes (mg) and 2,300 mg, or little over half a teaspoon of table salt. Try substituting herbs and spices for salt when flavouring meals to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet.
Maintain healthy weight
Blood pressure and weight are related. Losing even just 5 to 10 pounds can assist patients with obesity or overweight conditions decrease their blood pressure.
Monitoring your waistline is essential for controlling blood pressure in addition to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Visceral fat, or body fat that is stored around the abdomen, can have an adverse effect on heart function and, over time, can result in major health issues including high blood pressure.
Quit smoking
Your blood pressure will briefly rise after smoking each cigarette for many minutes. Your blood pressure may remain high for a long time if you smoke often.
Smokers with high blood pressure are more vulnerable.Trusted Source for getting a heart attack, stroke, or dangerously high blood pressure.
Even passive smoking might raise your chances of health problems.Trusted Source for heart disease and high blood pressure.
Limit your alcohol
It’s OK to drink a glass of red wine with supper. In fact, moderate consumption of red wine may even be helpful for heart health.
However, excessive alcohol use can cause a number of health problems, including high blood pressure.
Additionally, excessive drinking might lessen the effects of several blood pressure drugs.
Reduce stress
In the hectic, demanding world of today, it could be difficult to decompress and unwind. It’s important to sometimes take a vacation from your normal duties in order to lower stress levels.
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When under stress, your blood pressure could momentarily rise. If you drink too much of it, your blood pressure might stay elevated for a while.
It’s beneficial to identify the cause of your stress. It can be related to your job, a romantic connection, or money. You may start looking for remedies once you’ve determined what is causing your stress.