Lung cancer symptoms range from person to person. Some people have lung-related problems. Some patients with lung cancer who have metastasized—that is, whose disease has spread to other parts of their bodies—have symptoms unique to that location. Some people only experience generalised signs of illness. Most lung cancer patients don’t have any symptoms until the disease has progressed. Symptoms of lung cancer could include:

The early warning signs and symptoms of lung cancer in men are examined in this article. We also go over how to get a diagnosis, when to see a doctor, and how to manage symptoms.

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image credit: livescience

Male and female symptoms might include the following and are typically similar:

a cough that does not go away after a few weeks

breathing pain during coughing, wheezing, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, and hoarseness

repeated lung infections, including pneumonia and bronchitis, as a result of malignant cells blocking the airways; atherosis, or the collapse of the lungs following cancerous cell obstruction of the airways

One may potentially acquire paraneoplastic syndrome if lung cancer, specifically squamous cell carcinoma, occurs.

When immune system or malignant cells generate hormones or other substances that alter the surrounding tissue, it can lead to a condition known as paraneoplastic syndrome. It may result in symptoms like:

having trouble balancing when walking

muscular spasms uncontrollably moving

loss of strength and coordination in the muscles

difficulty ingesting slurred speech

Usually starting close to the lungs’ principal airways, SCLC frequently progresses to the brain. Early warning signs could be:

headaches and changes in eyesight

a weakened area on one side of the body, behavioural changes

When to visit a physician

When lung cancer is still in its early stages, most patients have little or no symptoms. It can have spread to other bodily parts by the time it has progressed to the point where it is causing symptoms. Both males and females exhibit this.

When people do experience symptoms, they frequently confuse them with smoking’s side effects or the signs of a less serious illness, such an infection.

An individual’s prognosis can be enhanced by lung cancer treatment and early diagnosis. A person should consult a physician if they encounter any of the following symptoms:

difficulty breathing and a persistent cough

blood in the sputum that a cough produces

Chest pain, bone pain, unexplained weight loss, hoarseness, headaches

In order to rule out other illnesses such lung infections that could be the source of the symptoms, the doctor might also prescribe a blood test.

A physician may also suggest one or more of the following tests to guarantee a precise diagnosis and rule out other conditions:

imaging analysis. These let medical professionals to examine the body internally for indications of lung cancer and other illnesses. A CT scan or a chest X-ray are examples of imaging tests.

Cytology of Sputum. Patients are instructed to cough up a little amount of sputum during this exam, which the physician examines under a microscope to check for cancerous cells.

 During this process, the physician takes a tiny sample of lung cells for laboratory analysis. The physician passes a tiny tube through the patient’s mouth or nose to gather the cells.

Tips  for managing symptoms

A person can help ease symptoms and stop them from growing worse by following a few easy steps.

Breathlessness may also be alleviated by using the following advice:

Attempting to maintain a state of calm and relaxation, such as through the practise of meditation, reading a book, or listening to music, involves taking slow, deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth.

turning on a fan or opening a window to direct cool air towards the face; finding a comfortable position and bending forward; avoiding activities that can exacerbate dyspnea, such as using the lift rather than the stairs; eating smaller meals more frequently; and avoiding taking big mouthfuls of food.

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In addition, oxygen and medicine can be administered by a doctor to assist reduce dyspnea symptoms.

Some patients with lung cancer also benefit from pain, stress, and anxiety-relieving medicines, like:

acupuncture, massage, hypnosis, yoga, and meditation