Kedarkantha Trek is one of the most popular winter treks in India.

It is a 6-day-long trek in Govind Pashu Vihar National Park in Uttarakhand. The trek is often confused with the popular Hindu pilgrimage destination Kedarnath. However, these two are different places. The summit climb of the Kedarkantha Trek is one of the most thrilling adventure activities in the country. The feeling of finding your ways amid the challenging Himalayan routes is once in a lifetime experience. It is one of the most challenging treks in the Himalayas with some rewarding experiences and unforgettable memories. 

How to start the trek?

Kedarkantha Trek

The basecamp for the trek is in Sankri in Uttarakhand. The journey usually starts from Dehradun or Mussoorie. You can reach the base camp from Mussoorie via a jeep or shared taxi. It is difficult to find taxis or jeeps for the base camp in the second part of the day and hence it is advisable to find a taxi before 1 pm. It usually takes 7 to 9 hours to reach Sankri from Mussoorie and you will be greeted with breathtaking views of mountains and zig-zag roads on your way to the base camp from Sankri. 

It is possible that you don’t get a direct taxi from Mussoorie to Sankri. In such cases, you can find a taxi to Purola. Reaching Sankri from Purola is quite easy. 

Also Read, 5 Most Adventurous Treks Of India

The 6-day trek will fill your heart with the feeling of fulfilment, satisfaction and enthusiasm. There are a plethora of sites to see and spot during the trek. The view will make you forget the tiredness while moving up. 

The first day of the trek usually involves reaching the base camp and relaxing at the camp. There are various groups that organise the trek every year. You can either join them after paying a small fee or go for the trek with your friends. On the first day, you can enjoy your meal after reaching the base camp while capturing the marvellous landscapes in Sankri. 

On the second day, you can go for a hike to some nearby hiking points just to adapt to the conditions and get used to walking on a snow-clad steep slope. This will not only help you in knowing the nearby areas but also boost the stamina for preparing your body for the trek.

Kedarkantha Trek in the evening

The Third day usually involves going for a trek to the first base camp dubbed Juda Ka Talab. It usually takes 3 to 4 hours to complete the trek. You can take mini pauses at regular intervals to see the beauty of the magnificent Himalayas and capture the mesmerising beauty in your camera lenses. After enjoying your meals and a cup of tea at Juda Ka Talab, you can return to the camp before it gets dark.

The real thrill starts from the fourth day when you make your ways through a thick and dense sheet of snow, to reach an extremely beautiful Juda lake that is located just 15 minutes away from YHAI base camp. After trekking for two to three hours, you’ll reach the Lohassu base camp, your stop for the day. Make sure you enjoy a healthy meal and have a good sleep as the next day demands you to wake up early.

There’s a different thrill in having a hot cup of tea amid the chilling Himalayan weather of Uttarakhand when the sun has not even risen. Day 5 is said to be the toughest day of the 6-Day trek. The snow on the way is extremely dense and you might slip or fall several times. Hence, it’s necessary to be attentive and do not miss the opportunity of going on a once in a lifetime trek. The view from the Kedarkantha Trek will steal your heart and make it an unforgettable memory. The Trishul at the Kedarkantha Trek peak holds great significance for the Hindu community as the peak is often associated with Lord Shiva. The charm and the glory that the peak holds is next to none. 

No matter how tired one is, the glorious view of the mighty Himalayas will take all the pain and fatigue away. It’s hard to get hold of the feelings, one witness, from the top. Sun shining amid vast and endless snow clad mountains makes it look like a dream. 

If you think the fun is over, you are wrong. The fun has just begun. The journey down is as beautiful as the journey up. The feeling of sliding down the slopes is enough to give you an adrenaline rush. You can play with snow, click amazing pictures and enjoy a hot cup of tea everytime you stop. 

trek up the Kedarkantha Trek

After this, another spot named Har Gaon base camp awaits you. This time, the journey will be a mix of snow-covered trails and muddy forest. You’ll fall, your clothes will get wet, dirty and you might encounter pain, but the feeling of finding yourself amid the vastness of the Himalayas is worth every pain. 

The 6th and the final day comprises descending. You can return back in merely 2 to 3 hours without much trouble. After having a meal and a few hours of rest, you can find taxis travelling back to Dehradun. 

The best thing about the trek is that you don’t have to shed a lot of money. A good pair of sports shoes and socks will be enough. You don’t need to spend too much on expensive shoes, backpacks and other gears. A trek can be completed with two to three pairs of clothes, ordinary sports shoes, water and common medicines.