It was not very long ago when the world got access to the Internet. The only use of the internet back then was sending emails and downloading documents. With the advancement of technologies, the requirement of internet connectivity arose in every other field and it soon became a basic necessity. With the increase in demand and use, the speed of the internet also increased significantly. It all started with 10-20 kbs per second. The network speed evolved in the form of 2G, 3G and then 4G. From spending minutes to download a single document, we have reached a point where a movie can be downloaded within a few seconds. We are now talking of several 20-30 Mbps. With the introduction of 5G technology, this speed may reach 10-20 Gbps.

Apart from the speed, there are several other benefits that can be introduced with the arrival of 5G technology. Several leading firms across the world are working to develop systems and hardware for unrolling 5G technology. 5G means the fifth generation. The introduction of 5G doesn’t only mean a dramatic technology shift. It means faster global connectivity. In technical terms, 5G networks operate at higher frequencies and shorter ranges than 4G networks. The 5G network promises a speed almost 20 times faster than 4G. Billions of 5G-supporting devices are already in the market and the introduction of 5G technology will also prove to be a major boost of IoT devices.

In nutshell, 5G technology appears to be a technology whose introduction will mark a paradigm shift in the field of technology. There are several ways in which 5G technology will benefit the world but we are going to tell you about 5 such ways.

Driverless Cars

Driverless Cars 5G technology

We might not see flying cars in the near future but driverless cars are certainly going to be the next big thing. The combination of driverless vehicles and electric vehicles is going to be a major revolution in the automobile field. With several nations pledging to cut their carbon emissions significantly, the demand for electric vehicles is certainly going to skyrocket. Clubbing them with driverless technology can take the convenience of riders to the next level as the cases of accidents can be reduced significantly. This is an achievable target as most of the road accidents happen due to human error. The 5G technology will only improve the response speed, enabling the AI-powered driving technology in functioning properly.

Development of Smart Cities

Development of Smart Cities 5G cities

When we look at the future, we think of well-connected and integrated cities. The developed countries have already started developing smart cities. The developing countries like India are not far behind. Sensors to prevent fire, improve air quality, prevent accidents and any other disasters, integrated public transportation systems and well-connected cities are the common properties of a smart city. All these high responsive systems can work more efficiently when powered by a super speed 5G network.

Also Read, How is artificial intelligence saving humans?


5G technology

The emergence of any major economy can only happen with a major industrial revolution. The world has seen several revolutions in the industrial sector but with the introduction of IoT devices powered by 5G technology, AI is only going to take efficiency to the next level. This will not only reduce the labour requirement but also the production cost. 5G technology is going to play an instrumental role in every aspect of the production and development of goods. The wireless technology has already evolved significantly and with the introduction of 5G technology, the requirement for big and expensive setups will come down.


Telemedicine in 5G technology

How many of you live alone? I am sure there will be millions of yes for this answer. When one lives alone and falls sick, it is a daunting task to visit the doctor itself, let alone taking care of yourself. With the introduction of ultra-fast internet, you can take consultations with a doctor while sitting at the comfort of your home. Apart from this, we are already in an era where people use wearable devices to track their blood pressure, heart rate etc. With the introduction of the 5G technology, this is only going to get more mainstream. The number of times you visit a doctor will come down significantly.

Virtual Spaces

Virtual Spaces 5G technology

If you think online shopping is the best you can get from modern-day technology, you can’t even imagine what technology is capable of. The VR sets that come with android phones and give a theatre-like experience at home is just a beginning. You’ll soon be able to shop your favourite products from your preferred shops while sitting at the comfort of your home virtually. The same will be possible in the field of sports as well. Imagine watching a live cricket match while sitting at the comfort of your home and get the feeling of a stadium. All this will be possible with 5G enabled devices.