With today’s latest advancement in technology and updates, teens struggle with those issues that the previous generation has never seen and felt before. Technology has killed the trend of interpersonal face-to-face communication. It has completely changed the idea of communication with their peer and romantic interests. Today, teens use social media websites to communicate, which is why interpersonal communication is weak in them. Today Teens have developed a bad habit of texting and interacting with friends. As per the survey conducted average teen spends more than 9-10 hours a day using electronic devices. 

Depression and anxiety  

Depression, social issues

As per the research conducted by the National Institute of mental health, an estimate of 3.2 million youth is suffering from depression and anxiety due to latest advancement in tech. 13% of a teenager are suffering from depression before becoming an adult. Spending much time on social media may prevent youth from playing sports. They also develop a feeling of left out, isolated, and loneliness.

Depressive disorder can be treated, but developing at this age can harm youth mentally and socially. If a teen develops sleeping disorders, not performing in school, or remains alone all the time. Seek help from a mental health professional. Do not wait to get help for your if your youngster notices these symptoms.



Converse with your teenager about tormenting routinely. Examine what they can do when they observe harassing and talk about choices on the off chance that they become objective themselves. Being proactive is critical to aiding your kid to manage a domineering jerk. 

It’s likewise critical to converse with your youngster about when and how to find support from a grown-up. Advise them that requesting help is not an indication of shortcoming yet rather a demonstration of fortitude. Discussing how somebody has embarrassed them is never a simple point.

Sexual activity

wrong activities

Of the 20 million new explicitly communicated sicknesses every year, the greater part were among youngsters within the ages of 15 and 24.11 

Guardians may not know that their youngsters are explicitly dynamic, nonetheless. Converse with your high schooler about sex, regardless of whether you don’t think your kid participates in a sexual movement.


Drugs, Cannabis

About 6% of seniors in secondary school revealed utilizing weed every day. Cannabis use surpasses cigarette use is in youngsters now.12 truth be told, numerous teenagers accept cannabis is less unsafe now than in years past. This new discernment might be because of the changing laws encompassing cannabis. 

Ensure you have ordinary discussions with your teenager about the perils of medications. Furthermore, remember to refer to the threats of professionally prescribed medications, as well. Numerous adolescents don’t perceive the risks of taking a companion’s solution or popping a couple of pills that are not endorsed. 

Shockingly, adolescents frequently think little that it is so natural to build up a compulsion. Furthermore, they don’t comprehend the dangers related to ingesting too much. Be certain you are discussing these dangers regularly.

Alcohol usage


Teens are more prone to fall in love and romantic life than modern culture in the influence of show off and latest trends. Due to lack of maturity, they suffer most of the time Heartbreaks which indulge them in using alcohol and drugs. Converse with adolescents about the dangers of underage drinking. Instruct them about the risks, including how liquor can negatively affect a young person’s creating brain.

Also, don’t avoid communicating your dissatisfaction with regards to underage drinking. Saying you don’t endorse can have a major effect on whether your youngster chooses to drink.

Academic issues 

Burden of studies

Teenagers are more prone to develop bad habits like drinking, smoking, using drugs or late-night conversation, wasting time on social media websites that make them suffer in academics start involving themselves in teens education and provide them proper guidance and support if they find problems in academics.



Truth be told, overviews show guardians are awful at perceiving when their children are overweight. They will, in general, belittle their kid’s size and the dangers related to being overweight. 

Converse with your kid’s pediatrician about the weight and weight is fitting for your high schooler’s tallness and age and ask about the means you can take to guarantee your teenager is solid. At that point, if your PCP suggests a better eating plan or exercise, discover approaches to help and engage your youngster. Maintain your youngster’s diet healthy, keeping love and affection aside; otherwise, they can develop health-related issues early.

Peer Pressure

peer pressure

While peer pressure is not another issue, online media carries it to an unheard-of level. Sexting, for instance, is a significant reason for worry as numerous teenagers don’t comprehend the long-lasting results that sharing express photographs can have on their lives. Yet, sharing improper photographs isn’t the lone thing kids are being constrained into doing. 

An ever-increasing number of children are being compelled to engage in sexual relations, take medications, and surprisingly torment different children. 

 Holding your children back from succumbing to peer pressure gives them the ability to settle on solid decisions and oppose peer pressure. Additionally, converse with teenagers about what to do if they commit an error. 

Here and there, children can settle on helpless decisions and might be too reluctant to even consider looking for help. Ensure your children are not hesitant to come to you when they commit an error. Show that you can tune in without judging or blowing up and rather find sound ways for them to offer peace and proceed onward

Social Media Platforms

social media is a problem

Using Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be the best way to interact with people. Still, social media can be a great reason to worry. It can expose your child to bullying, slut-shaming, etc. it can negatively affect children. It is also changing the way to date people. It can affect their mental health in the long run. It’s very significant for parents to get involved in this—Sist, your adolescent, figuring out how to solidly explore online media. Discussion about approaches to remain safe on the web. Furthermore, in particular, understand what your youngster is doing on the web.

Teach yourself about the most recent applications, sites, and web-based media pages teenagers utilize and find ways to keep your adolescent safe. You may even need to find ways to restrict your adolescent’s screen time.

Media violence

Media bully

Teenagers are going to face some violent media at a time. And it’s not only tv, movies, music, and news that clarifies violence. Today’s video games and mobile games harm youngsters. Focus on your teenager’s media use. Try not to permit teenagers to watch R-evaluated films or to play M-appraised computer games. It’s not beneficial for them to burn-through that material in abundance and unaided. 

Additionally, converse with your teenager about the threats of being presented to savage pictures and screen your adolescent’s psychological state. It’s likewise imperative to discuss sexual circumstances and racial generalizations that your youngster may see. 

Youngsters need to figure out how to distinguish what is acceptable and what is terrible about the media. It encourages them to become better buyers when contemplating what they see on the web, in the cinema, or in a computer game.

How to Talk to Your teenager?

Instead of being a strict parent, try to be friendly with them. Then only you would able to read your youngster’s mind, instead of giving a detailed lecture or asking straight questions from them. Try to become a friend and try to fill the generation gap here. Spend some valuable time with them to overcome their problems. Don’t directly ask about their problems. A decent method to initiate a discussion about drugs, sex, anxiety, or other awkward circumstances is to pose an inquiry like, “Do you think this is a major issue at your school?” 

Harmonize into what your adolescent needs to say. Do whatever it takes not to be critical. However, make your assumptions and sentiments understood. Significantly, your adolescent comprehends that you don’t support certain practices and that they know the outcomes of breaking your guidelines.