Are you tired of your T-shirt sleeves flapping in the breeze? So, reading this blog is your first rep toward bigger biceps and forearms. Each of these arm exercises targets the most muscle tissue to stimulate development, proving that any piece of equipment – in the right hands and with the proper arm workout – can develop bigger, thicker arms.

And suppose you’re curious why you need to know 10 arm exercises. In that case, it’s because if you want to develop arms that really expand, you’ll need to hit them from different angles. This is the theory of muscle building that has been verified by research carried out at the University of Tampa, Florida’s Department of Health Studies and Human Performance.

The ten best exercises for bigger biceps are listed following. But, before we get there, it’s crucial to understand what the biceps are and the muscles that comprise that part of the arm. After all, information is a strength.

What are Biceps?


The broad muscle group is located on the front of your upper arm. You know the one we’re referring to. When flexing, you look at it a lot. In Latin, it is known as the biceps brachii, which translates to “two-headed arm muscle.” And the reason for this is that your biceps are divided into two sections: the long head and the short head. Both heads originate from the shoulder joint (shoulder blade) and join in the center of the arm to form the muscle we’ve all come to love and recognize.

Short Head

 The short head is caused by a coracoid projection on the scapula. It runs along the inside of the arm’s long head.

Long Head 

The long head comes directly in the glenoid cavity of the scapula and travels through the shoulder joint to the upper arm.

It doesn’t have to be tough to get bigger biceps. It’s just that you’re probably doing it incorrectly. Curls will only take you so far. Yes, we couldn’t believe it either at first. In reality, there are a plethora of bicep exercises available, more than enough to make each of your workouts special, and we’ll show you the most successful ones.

1. Dumbbell Curl (Standing)

dumbell curl

Why: It’s impossible to start any bicep exercise list without including this classic; it’s a huge favorite for a reason. Nothing works your biceps like a twist. However, it is essential to control your weight healthily. Massively swinging and arching your back to raise the dumbbell is a waste of time and can lead to injury. Keep it slow and regulated, and concentrate on squeezing your bicep as you lift.

2. EZ Bar Curl (Regular)

ez bar curl

Using a bar helps you add more weight than a curl while having a correct form and not putting strain on your elbows and forearms.

In what way:

In an underhand, shoulder-width grip, keep the EZ bar in front of your thighs.

Curl the bar as you inhale until your hands are at your shoulders.

Squeeze the bicep, then lower slowly.

3. Bicep Curl on an Incline

incline bicep curl

Sit on an incline bench and carry a dumbbell at arm’s length in each hand. Curl the dumbbell with your biceps until it hits your elbow, then drop it back down to your side and repeat.

Why: Since this location isolates the biceps, other muscles are unable to share the load. By rotating your wrists out slightly and holding your elbows pointing towards the floor during the rep, you will work the entire muscle, a range of motion not available in most arm exercises.

4. Straight Bar with Reverse Curl

How to:

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and an overhand grip on a barbell.

2. Flex your elbows and rotate the barbell up using just your forearms until your palms face out and the barbell is in line with your shoulders.

3. Repeat the process of slowly lowering it back down.

Why: It works the brachialis, an invisible muscle lower down your upper arm that is necessary for bigger biceps. When you train it properly, the brachialis muscle raises the peak of your bicep muscle, resulting in a more impressive flex and larger-looking muscles.

5. Concentration Curl

concentration curls

Sit on a bench and place your right arm against your right leg, allowing the weight to hang down. Curl the weight up, pause for a moment, and then lower. Rep with the opposite arm.

Why: This isolates the arm flexors while still striking the lateral head of the biceps for maximum output (and appearance).

6. Hammer Curl

the distinction is in the details, specifically in how you handle the dumbbell. By turning the dumbbell on its side, you will shift some of the work from your biceps brachii to your brachialis. This muscle gives your arms a thicker appearance.

7. Dumbbell Curl Twist

dumbell curl twists

 Place a pair of dumbbells at your side, palms facing in. Curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders, optionally with your biceps, turning your palms to face your chest as you raise them. Repeat by slowly lowering the dumbbells to your sides.

The twist activates your forearm. It won’t work your biceps as hard as other arm exercises, but if you’re squeezing sets in during lunch, this move will work more of your arm in less time.

8. Prone Dumbbell Spider Curl

prone bar curls

Lie down on an incline bench with a dumbbell on each side, allowing them to fall below your shoulders. Curl the dumbbells into your shoulders with your biceps. Return to the starting point slowly and repeat.

 Lying against a bench helps you learn proper curling technique, which is useful in various arm exercises. If your chest lifts off it, you’re cheating, but if you hold it flat for each rep, you’ve nailed another set in your search for bigger biceps.