Not everything in the world of plant foods is created equal. Pomegranates have much higher nutritional value than celery. That is merely a fact. Celery is still delicious, though; after all, what else would we serve with our spicy wings? It simply indicates that you can make better use of your daily tallies made of plants. These are nine fruits and vegetables that are passable (and certainly better than nothing), but certainly not the healthiest options available.

Someone has probably told you, “You know, you burn more calories chewing celery than you get when you eat it,” if you’ve ever been on a diet. It’s simply untrue, though, unless you have incredibly strong jaws. A celery stick contains only 10 calories. Indeed, it contains some antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin K, but it doesn’t score particularly highly in terms of health. Skip it, and reach for carrots if you’re craving something crunchy.
Dried Fruit

When compared to candy, most dried fruit is not very healthy. To maintain colour and freshness, the pieces are frequently dried, sugar-coated, and chemically treated. Your product is superior if you are the one drying the fruit. If not, it’s probably wise to skip this produce category. Dried fruit has less water content and more calories per ounce than fresh fruit.
Dried fruit does, however, have some advantages. One serving of dried fruit does contain a higher concentration of certain vitamins and minerals due to its dehydration. But vitamin C isn’t one of them. According to research, drying fruit significantly lowers its concentration of this immune-stimulating nutrient.

Put down the spoon if you gleefully scoop up an extra helping of corn at every meal. Corn is a vegetable, yes, but it contains more sugar than real vitamins. Corn has almost no indigestible fiber—the kind that keeps you regular and lowers blood cholesterol—and is high in simple sugar carbohydrates. Rather, maize contains highly digestible carbohydrates and fibre that quickly turn into sugar and raise blood sugar levels.
In addition, maize has a higher calorie density than some other veggies. There are 180 calories in one cup. Compare that to the same amount of broccoli, which has just over 30 calories. The Whole Grains Council asserts that maize is not a whole grain.
Tacos must have radishes as a topping (please add cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lime). They’re pretty gorgeous as well as crisp, sharp, and slightly astringent. But aside from providing a significant amount of vitamin C, radishes don’t offer much else. Additionally, some people who eat radishes may have stomach issues, including excessive gas.
The deep purple skin has a good amount of fibre (roughly 3g per cup) and is high in antioxidants. However, the treatment of eggplants poses a health risk. Indeed, eggplants are practically sponges. As a result, popular recipes such as eggplant lasagna transform eggplant from a moderately healthful plant into a calorie-dense nutritional bomb. They absorb the fat, calories, and sodium of the cooking process.
Also read: 5 Traditional Foods you must try this Lohri
Lettuce Iceberg
If eating iceberg lettuce encourages you to eat more plant-rich salads, it’s better than eating none at all, but if you can replace the leaves, do so. It’s almost empty on Iceberg. It contains only 10 calories, less than one gramme of fibre per cup, and almost no nutritional value. Rather, choose a leafy green that offers slightly higher nutritional content per leaf. For example, kale has a good amount of calcium that builds bones as well as vitamins A and C. Baby kale is perfect for salads because it’s typically softer and less fibrous.