According to the head of NASA, aliens exist and are just waiting to be discovered.

Bill Nelson was speaking following the release of a panel’s study on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), the term used to refer to UFOs or other unusual objects seen in the sky.

That study discovered that more information is needed to understand the origins of UAPs, even though some of them remain unexplained.

According to Mr. Bill Nelson, his “personal answer” is that there are a sizable number of habitable planets scattered around the universe.

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We are now starting to find, and somewhere out there we will find, another medium-sized stony planet orbiting a medium-sized sun or star at just the correct distance… that has carbon, that will have a habitable atmosphere, he added. We are doing this with the James Webb [telescope] looking at the exoplanets.


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I personally believe that there is life in a world that is so huge that it is difficult for me to grasp how big it is. But I questioned a few of our scientists: What is the arithmetic likelihood that life exists elsewhere in the universe?

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The answer was “at least a trillion,” if you factor in the billions of stars and billions of galaxies that what I just said, another stone planet, is copied in. Our scientists said that.