Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, called technological advancements in artificial intelligence “amazing” and “incredible” while highlighting the importance of trust and value and underscoring the company’s dedication to developing a reliable AI platform for clients.

Technology is developing more quickly than ever, from the cloud to mobile to social media, and “the current burst of AI” is “nothing like any of us have seen before,” according to Benioff at Dreamforce, Salesforce’s annual user conference.

In his keynote speech, Benioff emphasized that business is the best platform for change. He made numerous allusions to AI while also focusing on issues of values and trust. He emphasized the trusted, moral, and compassionate AI principles upheld by Salesforce.

“What AI is accomplishing is remarkable. The CEO of the third-largest software company in the world, with US$31.4 billion in revenue in FY23, declared, “What is happening is extraordinary.

marc benioff, salesforce marc benioff, marc benioff ai, marc benioff and larry ellison, marc benioff associated press, marc benioff and david benioff, about marc benioff
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Technology is developing more quickly than ever. We have witnessed numerous times from cloud to mobile to social to the current data explosion… plus now this burst of AI… nothing like any of us have ever seen before, this has caught everyone’s attention,” he remarked.

He claimed that even if the AI revolution will change how everything works, “it is going to bring us back to our core values” by citing the growing popularity of ChatGPT, generative AI, & large Language Model (LLM).

We will be guided by our principles, he asserted.

There is no doubt, in Benioff’s opinion, that the possibilities presented by AI will alter everything.

Over the past 25 years, this place has taught us all that what we do matters. He told the crowded room that the choices we make on how our businesses employ these technologies are crucial.

According to him, AI will fundamentally alter the landscape, which calls attention to the trust gap problems.

“When I use my LLM, where is this data going? These LLMs are ravenous for our data; this is how they develop their intelligence, he claimed.

In his speech, Benioff discussed the problems with bias, toxicity, and hallucinations or “lies” in LLM.

These LLMs are excellent con artists. They can become extremely toxic very fast, of course, and they truly are,” he said.

He added that trust is the first priority and that Salesforce’s objective is to create a reliable AI platform for its client firms.

Every CRM application and customer experience will now have a conversational AI assistant thanks to Salesforce’s latest release of Einstein, their AI technology.

Einstein now includes Einstein Copilot and Einstein Copilot Studio, a brand-new and dependable conversational AI assistant integrated into every Salesforce application’s user interface.

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By supporting users in their workflow, enabling them to ask questions in natural language, and enabling them to obtain pertinent and reliable answers that are based on secure proprietary company data from Salesforce Data Cloud, Einstein Copilot, according to Salesforce, will improve productivity.

With the help of the Einstein Copilot Studio, businesses can now create an entirely new generation of AI-powered apps with custom prompts, skills, and AI models to speed up customer service, automate website creation based on user-specific browsing patterns, convert natural language prompts into code, and perform hundreds of other business functions.

marc benioff, salesforce marc benioff, marc benioff ai, marc benioff and larry ellison, marc benioff associated press, marc benioff and david benioff, about marc benioff
ImageCredit: salesforce

The Einstein Trust Layer, a secure AI architecture that is natively built into Salesforce, allows teams to produce higher-quality AI results by grounding responses with customer data, while maintaining their company’s data privacy and security standards, according to a company release. Einstein Copilot and Einstein Copilot Studio will launch as a pilot this fall.