Although it might not seem like a good idea at first, coffee with desi ghee is quickly gaining popularity. It is also a part of ketogenic diets.Given that it doesn’t contain any milk solids or proteins, ghee is a good dairy product choice for those who are lactose intolerant.

Since ghee has a nuttier, somewhat sweeter flavour than black coffee, it might be a more appealing addition when trying to cut down on the bitterness. Along with being a tasty pairing, ghrita and coffee offer some unexpected advantages. Let’s examine a few advantages of the ghee and coffee combination.

Nutrient dense combo

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image credit: facts

Coffee and ghee together make a fantastic health beverage. Per 100g of ghee, we get about 61% of the daily recommended value of vitamin A, 14% of vitamin E and 11% of vitamin K. These vitamins are easier to absorb when ghee is consumed. This is so because the body uses the fats in ghee as transportation for nutrients.

Great choice for lactose Intolerant

Ghee replaces cream in coffee. The lactose and casein sugars and proteins in milk are difficult for those who are lactose intolerant to digest. They experience lactose malabsorption, which causes gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. 

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,ghee coffee and lemon
Image credit: healthywaymedical

Desi ghee is made without adding any sugar or protein because all milk solids, sugars, and proteins are eliminated during the process. For those who are lactose intolerant, coffee with ghee is a treat. 

Ghee Neutralizes the Acidity of Coffee

Because the coffee beans release acids during the brewing process, the final beverage has an acidic pH of 4.85 to 5.10.

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,ghee coffee and lemon
image credit: fluentincoffee

Coffee frequently causes excessive acidity, is a little harsh on the stomach, and upsets the digestive system. As such, coffee should not be consumed when you are hungry. Because ghee contains calcium, it balances the acid that upsets the stomach.

Also read: 6 vegetables that aren’t as healthy as you might think

Good for gut

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,ghee coffee and lemon
Image credit: pharmeasy

Because ghee has anti-inflammatory butyrate and balances the acidity of coffee, it is beneficial for intestinal health. Good fats found in ghee, such as butyric acid and Omega-3s, are advantageous for metabolism and gut health. A small amount of ghee added to your morning coffee can prevent stomachaches.

Also read: 6 vegetables that aren’t as healthy as you might think

Boost metabolism and healthy body

Ghee’s omega 3s, 6s, and 9s support healthy joints, a heart and circulatory system, and even better brain function.

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image credit: eatthis

Seaweeds, nuts, and some fish also contain these fatty acids. Additionally, ghee lowers the risk of heart disease. An investigation revealed a link between lower cholesterol and a diet high in ghee.