Sugar and Sweetness in our lives are good, but just like any other thing, too much sweet is harmful as well. As per the data by several healthcare bodies, obesity is one of the major health concerns, especially in American and Polynesian states. Nearly 40%-45% of adults in Polynesian countries are obese, and the number is almost similar in the United States. What contributes to problems like being overweight or obese include irregular eating habits, too much consumption of carbs, and unavailability of nutritional food in certain parts of the world are some of the common reasons that contribute to the problem. 

Sugar is one of the things that contribute immensely to unhealthy weight gain and obesity. The reason that sugar consumption is often associated with weight gain is that it has a very high carbs content. Carbs are among the nutrients that promote weight gain. This is why health-conscious people and fitness enthusiasts go for sugar alternatives like natural sugar or honey. There is a very common misconception that sugar consumption is associated with diseases like Diabetes. Still, several other health-related risks are associated with the consumption that makes a strong case for cutting down sugar consumption.

Increased Risk of Diabetes and Obesity: 

sugar leads to risk of obesity

As we age, the risk of getting affected by diseases like Diabetes and health conditions like obesity increases. Consumption of sugar daily adds to the risk of getting affected by all these health-related ailments. Consumption of package food and sweets regularly might make the condition worse. It has been found in several pieces of research that diseases like Diabetes and obesity are linked to certain types of cancer.

Chromium Deficiency: 

Chromium is a type of mineral that aids the process of regulating blood sugar in the body. It is mainly found in meat, seafood, and plants. For people who do not consume meat, the sources of chromium are limited. On top of that, consumption of high amounts of carbs can rob off the body of the mineral. The only way to keep the Chromium levels in the body intact is by limiting the sugar intake and carbs intake at large. 

Fast Ageing: 

Anti-aging creams and pills will do you no good if your sugar intake is very high. No amount of sugar craving is enough to trade for your youth. Consumption of sugar is related to signs of early aging that include wrinkles and sagging. Sugar attaches itself to protein after entering the bloodstream, which may lead to your skin losing elasticity. 

Tooth Decay: 

Keeping track of what you eat is as crucial as brushing your teeth twice a day for good dental health. Foods containing, especially stick food, can sit on your teeth for days, giving an invitation to problems like decay. While the impact can be minimized by brushing your teeth daily, the best way to get rid of such risks forever is by limiting your sugar intake and practicing healthy eating. 

Severe Heart Disease: 

People suffering from heart-related problems are often advised by their doctors to avoid consuming sugar. Do you know why? Consumption of sugar has several ill effects on your body, ranging from gum disease to life-threatening heart disease. Yes, exercising will help, but the best thing you can do for your body is giving it the right nutrients and avoiding products that can harm your body.


We are already living in a stressful world surrounded by a hectic environment. The last thing one would want is their food contributing to their stress. Food is often associated with happiness, but the happiness is short-lived and of no use if it adds to health-related problems. Eating too much sugar prompts an emotional response from the body. Too many hormones are released, giving birth to feelings of anxiety which often gets converted into stress.

Affecting The Immune System: 

Your immune system is your first line of defense against illnesses and life-threatening diseases. When people understand the importance of having a strong immune system, it is important to avoid eating such things that weaken your immune system. Sugar contains glucose, and an excess amount of sugar can be an opportunity for bacteria and yeast to build up and give birth to new infections.

Replacing Important Nutrients: 

One may argue that consuming any amount of sugar is OK as long as they consume other important nutrients in desired amounts. However, this argument falls flat in sugar as foods containing sugar give the brain a signal that you are full and you often miss on consuming important vitamins and other nutrients. The problem is more common among children.