• Egypt, home to one of the oldest civilizations that is now extinct, never ceases to astound the globe with its incredible mysteries. Some of its secrets have never been able to be solved. These mysteries include some of the most haunted locations on earth, where witnesses have reported encounters with spirits of the world’s oldest civilization still free to roam this ancient continent. For those who enjoy secrets, Egypt is a wonderland, but these ghostly mysteries shouldn’t be taken lightly or for granted.


Below is a list of Egypt’s greatest haunted locations where numerous people have reported seeing or experiencing ghosts.


Giza Pyramids

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image credit: nationalgeographic

one of Egypt’s most famous haunted locations. Both walking and floating spirits have been sighted by people. Some people have reported seeing ghosts dressed in early 20th-century attire. There have also been reports of a few Egyptian pharaohs frightening visitors away from the pyramids they formerly owned. Screaming has been heard at some surrounding homes, and many have heard voices telling them to leave.

The Kings’ Valley

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image credit: britannica

Kings and monarchs of the Egyptian pharaoh have been spotted in this area wearing ancient Egyptian garb. A few hundred of the kings’ and Pharaohs’ tombs are located in the Valley of the Kings. There have been tombs there for several thousand years. The wealthiest and most imposing monarchs of ancient Egypt have lived here. Others have reported encountering the scary, shadowy spirits of pharaohs who are still wearing their royal regalia. This is one of Egypt’s most haunted locations.

Farafra desert

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image credit: tripadvisor

Many tourists are said to have seen the ghost of Akhenaten here. Egypt’s first king, Akhenaten, ruled for 17 years in the 1330s BC. When he was the ruler of this country, it is stated that he overthrew many of the established laws and religions and instituted a new one. It is reported that after his death, he was cursed by priests who disapproved of him to wander the desert. He still appears to be lost and rambling around here. Even though his ghosts appear to be harmless, they are terrifying enough to frighten the living daylights out of desert travellers. Many natives refrain from travelling alone in the desert at night for this reason.

Also read: Egypt’s  Greatest Street Food Delights 

Baron’s Palace

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image credit: wkipedia

Locals and palace guards have reported seeing ghosts and hearing strange sounds emanating from the now-abandoned palace. According to rumour, Baron, the current owner of this home, once resided here with his wife, daughter, and other family members. Baron’s wife passed away at the palace under quite puzzling circumstances. Also, it is thought that Baron’s extramarital encounters made his wife miserable. The daughter had excruciating anguish and depression as a result, and a few months later, she also passed dead inexplicably. Others are unsure about how Baron truly passed away. The other relatives had long since departed the palace as a result of the cursed and haunted experiences. Tantric Egyptians and ghost hunters both adore the location.


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image credit: wikipedia

Dashour once had a military training facility. Even without any training taking place, many have reported hearing gunshots. Some soldiers in training who suddenly passed away here are thought to still haunt this location. These are the individuals who wander aimlessly across the entire area close to the training facility. Public access to the training areas is prohibited. The source of the strangely loud gunshots in this area has been a well-kept mystery.

El Sherifa Dina road

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image credit: foursquare

In Cairo, there is a well-known haunted home on El Sherifa Dina road. It is rumoured that a young girl perished here in a very mysterious manner years ago after falling from the terrace. She is thought to have been stumbling about the entire house ever since. There have been reports of people seeing a young girl’s spirit playing with her toys here. Around this house, the neighbours have reported hearing screams and sobs during the night.

Helwan Hospital

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image credit: flicr

Here once resided a member of Farouk the King’s family. As the family members passed away, it was used as a mortuary for them. The rest of the family left the house. Others have reported seeing ghostly shadows with eerie voices and light bulbs that flicker randomly without any apparent cause. Many have said that this site has very bad energy. This is still a well-known haunted and spectral area in Egypt.