Is caffeine addiction a problem, or a way of life? Let’s Find Out

It may be difficult to wonder about college life without coffee. Some understudies and teenagers greet each morning and evening with a hot cup of it. While coffee is welcomed by the people individually for taste also. Most buyers are looking for one specific fix: caffeine. Today caffeine is broadly used as a psychoactive drug or substance that changes brain function compared to alcohol and tobacco.

This utilization isn’t simply restricted to espresso: teas, soft drinks, and caffeinated drinks join espresso in a thriving multi-billion market. An expected 1.6 billion cups of coffee are devoured each day. In recent years, caffeine addiction among undergrads has gotten progressively well known.


Students and people are more dependent on coffee to multitask or switch tasks. It helps them maintain focus and continuously work for long hours. Most fitness addict people use it to increase the body heat level, and caffeine provides endurance to lift weights, it is a type of drug that can improve mental strength to concentrate for a short period. It thus results in caffeine addiction. 

Many students find it as peace of relaxation as after college or studies. They prefer meetings and socializing with friends. Moderate dosages of caffeine can take care of this issue by going about as an all-regular energizer. Understudies who take it before perusing or taking notes in class will, for the most part, make some simpler memories remaining ready and mindful.

It’s significant to note that the more college students consume caffeine in tea or caffeine in coffee, the less effective it will be. The body does get used to it, and it sends the signals to the brain and other parts of the body, or we want coffee or tea to fulfill our day, lowering its positive effects. as per the studies, conducted caffeine should not be consumed more than 400 mg per day

caffeine addiction

What are the signs of caffeine addiction? What are caffeine’s side effects?

Caffeine addiction 

You will start finding yourself low, and you need coffee or tea to energize your body. And you would start feeling headaches. Your body will provide signals in need of caffeine. You would feel that Your day is incomplete without coffee or tea. There are several health risks and hazards associated with excessive intake of caffeine. It will temporarily boost and increase blood pressure. The risk arises when this boost repeatedly occurs. As per studies conducted that this could increase your risk of heart disease.

Moreover, customary soda pops could bring down bone thickness in ladies and raise the measure of corrosive in your stomach, causing acid reflux and a furious stomach. Since caffeine is also a diuretic, it can cause parchedness and meddle with the assimilation and digestion of calcium. 

Specialists say that burning through a lot of caffeine each day can prompt different issues, for example, Inconvenience dozing, Stomach related problems, Uneasiness, Heart palpitations, Muscle jerks. 

Also read, Are you aware of how the coffee you sip originated?

What is caffeine?

Caffeine, meaning here, is a natural stimulant commonly found in tea, coffee, and coconut plants. It works by refreshing the brain and central nervous system, helping you stay active, alert and preventing the onset of fatigue.

Does tea have caffeine?

Yes, tea contains caffeine but in very less proportion. 100 g of tea contains 11 mg of caffeine. But if you are consuming in more quantity likely 4-5 times. It can lead to caffeine addiction. 


How to avoid caffeine addiction? 

10 ways to keep caffeine away

Know your ingredients. 

Read foods and beverages and be aware of caffeine as it aids Caffeine Addiction. Caffeine is added to many soda and energy drinks.

Reduce caffeine consumption gradually. 

Organize your caffeine withdrawal in stages. “Caffeine addiction can be dangerous”. If you throw away one-third of your morning coffee today, wait three days and throw in some more to drink halfway through, you will get off to a good start. If you want to give it up completely, just go ahead with the steps. This reduction will help reduce caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, jitteriness, and nausea.

Drink less caffeinated beverages. 

They will still have a preferred flavor but contain low caffeine levels and carry a lower risk of caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Try something else 

Consider switching from coffee to tea because the amount of caffeine is significantly lower. Herbal teas may prove beneficial for you, but green tea is very healthy. It helps to reduce weight and increases immunity.

Try decaf

Try decaf.

 Switch to plain coffee, soft drink, or better yet, juices or fruit juices.

Do not add to the caffeine addiction. Ask yourself if you need this extra cup early in the morning. If the answer is no, then try to skip it.

Try a tea shortcut. 

Brew tea for a short time to reduce the amount of caffeine in it.

Rather than a large cup of coffee, next time, order small. 

Try small cups

Stopping habits immediately that took years to develop is not possible. You will end up consuming more. The start will small goals like cut down the coffee size you order and daily intakes.


One cup of coffee in one cup of herbal tea, or one can of soda in one can of water-free soda or caffeine.

Check to relieve pain. 

Many over-the-counter medications, especially for herbal remedies and menstrual cramps, contain caffeine. If yours is the case, switch to another.