Before I go to bed every night, my grandmother asks my mother, “Dahi jamaana hai?,” Is setting the curd necessary? which my mother usually nods in agreement with. In my home, setting curd at night has become a regular occurrence. On other occasions, though, my mother buys yoghurt packets from the store. “Dahi nahi jamaa” is all she says when I ask her why. I used to wonder why some days the curd would set and other days it wouldn’t. This curiosity led to the discovery of the science underlying curd setting.

Beneficial bacteria multiply during the setting of curd process. The curd sets faster (4–7 hours) in warmer climates or on hot summer days because the moisture in the air speeds up the growth of bacteria. On days when the weather is cold, the reverse occurs. The same curd takes 8 to 10 hours to set because the process slows down.
You might need to go above and beyond to set the curd during the winter. Here are a few simple steps you can take to set curd at home during the winter.

Use A Casserole 

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,setting curd in winter
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,curd in winter season
,curd in winters
,curd winters
,curd in winters
,curing winter squash
,curd in winter season
,a curd
,a cold winter
,winter crud
,curd in winter ayurveda
image credit: amazon

A casserole’s purpose is to hold in heat. It is effective in this sense for setting curd. You can mix the milk with culture and other ingredients in a casserole and set it aside in a corner for a while. This will aid in providing the curd with the necessary heat.

Utilise Both Casserole And Container

,set curd winters,,curd won't set
,setting curd in winter
,how to set curd in instant pot
,curd in winter season
,curd in winters
,curd winters
,curd in winters
,curing winter squash
,curd in winter season
,a curd
,a cold winter
,winter crud
,curd in winter ayurveda
image credit: archanaskitchen

You can use the same container if you have a fixed one for setting the curd. Once you have completed all the steps, simply place the container in a casserole and fill it with warm water. By doing this, the container will get warmer and the bacteria will be able to grow in the curd.

Green Chilies To The Rescue 

,set curd winters
,,curd won't set
,setting curd in winter
,how to set curd in instant pot
,curd in winter season
,curd in winters
,curd winters
,curd in winters
,curing winter squash
,curd in winter season
,a curd
,a cold winter
,winter crud
,curd in winter ayurvedaAll you need to do in this case is use a green chilli. You did indeed hear us. Put the stem and a cleaned green chilli in the container with the milk and culture mixture. Place a lid on the container and place it in a corner. It’s definitely worth a try.

Also read: 5 Vegetables that can easily imitate Meat dishes

Wrap And Shut

,set curd winters
,,curd won't set
,setting curd in winter
,how to set curd in instant pot
,curd in winter season
,curd in winters
,curd winters
,curd in winters
,curing winter squash
,curd in winter season
,a curd
,a cold winter
,winter crud
,curd in winter ayurvedaThe purpose is to give warmth. To do that, you can either place a towel around the hob or wrap it around the container to keep it warm during the winter. You could also put it in a bucket of rice.