The series trailer raised expectations as it seems like TVF’s Kota Factory plot where the entire series depicts the lives of students who want to crack IIT and the rivalry between coaching institutes, however, Annu Kapoor the talented actor played an essential role in the series, so without further ado, let’s delve into the in-depth review and find out whether the film is worth watching.

The education racket in the Rajasthan town was revealed in two seasons of the Netflix series Kota Factory. Kota has evolved from a small Doria sari weaving center to a coaching destination for students wanting to master the common entrance exam for engineering or medical school. Students flock to Kota in search of admission to prestigious institutes and eventual placements with multinational corporations paying seven-figure salaries. 

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Nothing new could be added to the story of avaricious coaching classes, pushy parents, and vulnerable students. As a result, the Amazon Prime Video series Crash Course, directed by actor-writer Vijay Maurya from a script by Manish Hariprasad and Raina Roy, treads on familiar territory. The upbeat theme song-and-dance track contradicts events.

Ratanraj Jindal (Annu Kapoor) personifies Kota’s hunger and drive, rising from poverty to establish a famous coaching facility. Ratanraj fantasizes about driving out his opponents and renaming the town after himself.

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His primary adversary is Arvind Batra (Siddharth Kak), an elderly schoolteacher who began coaching as a mission and is concerned about the venality of his kids Shashank (Bhanu Uday) and Mayank (Chirag Vohra).

There is student and faculty poaching between the two institutes, as well as other shady methods of winning the rankings battle. Binny Agarwal (Udit Arora), their fixer, earns a percentage from whoever pays.
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Jindal is well aware that just about 1% of students who take the Indian Institute of Technology admission tests are accepted, thus competition is severe. Middle-class parents borrow money and mortgage their homes to send their sons (and a few daughters) to Kota’s swotting camps.

Failure might destroy families, leaving children in what one character refers to as a “pressure cooker” environment. Jindal wants his institute to produce the best students possible, even if it involves shutting them up in hostels and giving them concentration-enhancing medicines.
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Stereotypical characters (class clown, scholar, jock, weakling, gang leader, hot girl) and tropes (romance, sexual awakening, a crush on teachers, jealousy, rebellion, depression, and even suicide) are unavoidable in a show about teenagers. These elements are ticked off mechanically, with no additions or even an attempt at a new treatment.

While the focus is on the students and the dueling institute directors, the series has some depth. AK Sir plays this show’s Jeetu Bhaiya, a popular teacher at Kota Factory (Pranay Pachauri).

AK makes physics enjoyable, whilst other teachers emphasize rote learning. Other characters, such as the canteen owner (Bidita Bag) or a married teacher’s female companion, serve no role (Vasuki Punj).
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Also read: Duranga: Gulshan Devaiah gave his best performance in this k drama remake.

Vidhi Gupta (Anushka Kaushik) is the girl who becomes a point of contention between Jindal and Shashank Batra, Hetal Gala is her best friend, Mohit Solanki is the kid crushed by his father’s hopes, Bhavesh Balchandani is the jester, Riddhi Kumar, and Hridu Haroon as the campus lovebirds are among the best parts among the crowd of kids.

Crash Course follows the same template as TVF’s education backdrop movies and web series, but it engages you from start to finish.

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The series starts well by introducing all the 8 key characters and their goals, and what made the series enjoyable is that director Vijay Maurya has prepared the viewer’s mindset with the series’ main conflict and started introducing the leading coaching institute, MD Annu Kapoor. 

We can relate to the series from the beginning since we all understand the struggle of students to crack the exams, and the series effectively demonstrated how students are mentally affected by this rat race.

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Annu Kapoor towers over them all, humanizing his terrible character. Ratanraj believes that he is providing students with an opportunity that he did not have.

Ratanraj, like the town sparkling with prosperity and upward mobility (caught in all its nuances by Nagaraj Rathinam’s camera), does whatever it takes to succeed, regardless of who or what he destroys along the way.

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Crash Course is technically good in cinematography, the soundtrack could have been better, and the rest of the departments did their best. 

Finally, Crash Course is a good series that appeals to many viewers.