Ben Affleck is a well-known actor in the United States. He’s been working on it for a long time, and these are the finest Ben Affleck movies.

Few actors in the world are as well-known as Ben Affleck. For decades, he has been one of the world’s top cinema actors, appearing in enormous blockbusters, prestige dramas, and, sadly, some famous disasters.

Affleck has made news for leaving his position as Batman in the DCEU. Still, even without that famous role, he has amassed an amazing résumé during his lengthy career. From his early parts to his more recent achievements to his work as a director, Affleck has a plethora of ventures that remind us of what a fantastic actor he is.

Continue reading to find out which Ben Affleck movies have been named the finest of all time.

Shakespeare in Love

shakespeare in love

Affleck may not be the starring guy in Shakespeare in Love. Still, he is unquestionably the most important scene-stealer in the 1998 Oscar-winning film. Even as Elizabethan performer Ned Alleyn, Affleck manages to infuse his performance with the bro-tastic energy that has become synonymous with his film character. He also manages to bring a lot of life to this John Madden-directed, Joseph Fiennes and Gwyneth Paltrow-starring drama of writer William Shakespeare’s attempts to launch his career with a new play, Romeo & Juliet.

Even when his fame was rising, Affleck was still ready to accept supporting roles in major films such as Best Picture winner Shakespeare in Love. The film depicts the fictitious narrative of William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) falling in love with a royal woman who inspires one of his most famous works.

Affleck is a gifted actor who assists Shakespeare in staging his play. Although the film’s Oscar triumph was questioned, it remains a pleasant and light romantic comedy that skillfully plays with historical fiction.

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The Accountant

Affleck has been hit-or-miss when embracing his action hero side, but The Accountant was an unexpected smash for him. He plays a math genius working as an accountant for one of the world’s most deadly criminal organizations. His most recent effort, though, puts him in the crosshairs of lethal adversaries.

Affleck’s portrayal of a man on the autistic spectrum working as an accountant by day and a book-cooker for the mafia by night might have gone horribly wrong, given that the actor is both neurotypical and not a book-cooker. But, thankfully, Affleck chose a realistic approach to his character, Christian Wolff, which is miles ahead of, for example, Dustin Hoffman’s now-problematic portrayal in Rain Man, while simultaneously expressing Christian’s environmental sensitivity wisely and compassionately.

Affleck delivers an engaging lead performance as an intriguing new type of action hero. He also performs admirably in the film’s spectacular battle sequences. It all adds up to an entertaining thriller that was a greater success with fans than reviewers.

The Way Back

the wat back

Affleck’s most recent picture has been dubbed a “dramatic return” for him. In The Way Back, Affleck plays an alcoholic with a terrible history who is granted a second chance when he is hired to coach a losing basketball team at his former high school.

Affleck gives one of his best performances in a long time. The creative ease with O’Connor is evident in The Way Back, making this film a captivating watch. The two personalities collaborate to bring this narrative to life. While watching The Way Back, it’s apparent that we’ll soon be talking about this film as the start of a new chapter in Affleck’s career, one that might perhaps kick off a renaissance era following stormier times.

The film’s subject matter is personal for Affleck, who has been open about his own struggles with addiction. As a result, it is both a frightening look at this type of emotional fight and a spectacular sports story.



Argo, a compelling real story, earned Best Picture for Affleck’s third directing attempt. Affleck is a CIA operative tasked with rescuing a group of Americans stuck in Iran during the hostage crisis of the 1970s. He devises a scheme to fabricate a phony movie production to lure the Americans home.

As he brings this political thriller to life, Affleck is working on all cylinders. From the direction of the performances to the way some of the most stressful scenes are played out, every decision allows Affleck’s voice as a filmmaker and actor to emerge.

Affleck does an excellent job of balancing the opposing tones of the crazy Hollywood tale with the serious political drama. It’s an exciting and wonderfully enjoyable journey with a fantastic cast.



In this ambitious and crazy religious-themed comedy, Affleck collaborated once more with Kevin Smith. Affleck and Matt Damon play two fallen angels who devise a scheme to return to paradise. But, with the fate of all existence at stake, a group of unexpected heroes set out to stop the renegade angels.

What’s not to love about Affleck and Damon as fallen angels Bartleby and Loki, who arrives on Earth to actually stir hell? Furthermore, what’s not to love about ’90s queen Linda Fiorentino as main heroine Bethany, who must enlist the assistance of Jay (Jason Mewes), Silent Bob (Smith), the angel Metatron (Alan Rickman), and Jesus’ boyhood buddy Rufus (Chris Rock) to bring down Bartleby and Loki?

Dogma is some of Smith’s greatest work as a director. He creates a brilliant and sophisticated narrative that openly challenges religion while retaining his trademark wit. In a rare villain part, Affleck also delivers an excellent performance.


Michael Bay’s Armageddon is perhaps the finest at presenting Affleck as a heroic Hollywood heartthrob, one of a few character types Affleck has grown accustomed to playing over the years. Armageddon isn’t only one of Affleck’s finest films; it’s also one of Bay’s greatest, even if it does make the stylistic decisions that will make him infamous as a filmmaker in the years following this one. Armageddon is a great action film starring Bruce Willis as oil rig operator Harry Stamper and Ben Affleck as his protégé, A.J., who must prove himself to Harry as he and his crew train to destroy an asteroid coming for Earth.

Affleck performs idealized masculinity with all of the cockiness and attractiveness required to make A.J. worthy of our emotional involvement. And, though there are no big revelations or broader messages to be drawn from Affleck’s performance in Armageddon, he is at his finest as this specific character type, laying the basis for similar performances in future films.

Good Will Hunting

good will hunting

With their blockbuster picture Good Will Hunting, Affleck and his closest buddy Matt Damon moved from struggling actors to A-listers. The youthful couple developed this drama about a disturbed young guy (Damon) who is also a math prodigy. When his skills are revealed, he must choose between his current existence and an uncertain future. Affleck portrays Damon’s devoted closest buddy.

Good Will Hunting has been out for a little over 20 years, but it’s still holding up nicely. This film symbolizes a triumph for Affleck on several fronts and is one of his career’s high points. Affleck portrays another sort of role that he will come to be recognized for: the working-class smart guy with a golden heart.

The film is a fantastic drama created by the two performers, who both deliver outstanding performances. Robin Williams also shines in a supporting part, and Gus van Sant’s assured direction elegantly brings everything together.

Gone Girl

gone girl

David Fincher’s superb thriller Gone Girl used Affleck’s experience of being the unwelcome center of public attention. Affleck plays a man who becomes the primary suspect after his wife goes missing. He finds himself plunging further into difficulty as facts of their unhappy marriage become public.

Affleck can dig his teeth into the intricate, ethically complex character of Nick Dunne, the missing writer Amy Dunne’s husband. Affleck excels as Nick in Gone Girl for other reasons, such as showing the specific difficulties of marriage when, for instance, your partner is famous, or coping with the potential annoyances of rapid popularity and the pull of public opinion on one’s personal life.

In this intricate puzzle, Fincher’s crisp and beautiful directing comes in handy. Affleck is excellent as the complicated protagonist, and Rosamund Pike is outstanding as his wife. It’s an outstanding thriller with a slew of unexpected turns.

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Honorary Mention 

Ben Affleck as Batman

It’s an accomplishment that has evaded every other actor who has donned the cape and cowl thus far. Michael Keaton was an incredible Batman, but his Bruce Wayne was always a touch lacking; by comparison, Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne always looked far stronger than his suited-up counterpart of the Caped Crusader. (Perhaps it was the voice.) Ben Affleck nails all aspects of the character: Bruce Wayne as a wealthy playboy, the true gloomy Bruce Wayne underneath that façade, and The Dark Knight as a primal beast. Affleck’s ease in the character is evident in every one of his moments. He exploits it to steal the show multiple times.