In the pirate era of One Piece, he succeeded in making his name, but does Luffy have what it needs to be one of the Yonko or the Four Emperors of the Sea?

Among the most strong and prominent pirates in all of One Piece are the Yonkos or Four Emperors. This is not only because of their distinct Devil Fruit abilities but also because they have shown themselves capable of forming partnerships between their crews and others’ crews, whether by bullying them like Big Mom or by pure devotion like Whitebeard. “Fifth Yonko. Luffy has not only established himself to be a dangerous adversary many times, but through the Mugiwara Grand Fleet, he has also been able to show that he can pull people together.

Yonko the four emperor of seas

One part of the Three Major Forces that control the planet of One Piece is made up of the Yonko or Four Emperors, with the other two being its Marines and the Special Science Group. They are among the most influential people living in the New World, and although they are not friends, they are still not rivals. They all independently rule their respective domains from each other. Shanks, Blackbeard, Big Mum, and Kaido are the new Yonkers.

One of the founding Yonkos was Whitebeard and even acted as members of the Rocks Pirates alongside Big Mom and Kaido. Unf, fortunately, his title went to his murderer after he was murdered by Blackbeard. The four of the Emperors can use Haki in any form, and Shanks would be the only member who does not have the Devil Fruit’s powers. He is also the only leader who is also of quite average human height.

However, it is not just the Devil Fruit and Haki who make the Yonkos powerful. Any captain commands huge fleets, with Big Mom clearly getting the largest since of her many kids. She has implied able to pull other crews onto her own and extend her reach farther than other commanders since the rest of them are faithful to her. Weddings would play an essential role in gathering more crew members, as making a kid marry another crew’s captain will, in turn, establish an association between the team of Big Mom and the other.

Not only this but within their domains, each Yonko owns several islands and regions. Since bringing it into her domain after the demise of Whitebeard, Big Mom maintains control over Fish-Man Island, but fishermen in other crews would refuse to do it against her for the threat of her damaging their house. To get what she wants, we’ve all seen how she uses violence with regimes and wealthy families.

Influence is almost as powerful when it comes to politics as military skills. It also creates mistrust between the authorities, which is how these forces complement each other. For fear of retribution from those with a bigger fleet, or worse, a coalition with another Ruler, nobody wants to walk on the other kings’ toes. This is what holds the balance between the Three Great Forces as well.

We can infer that, as was the case with Blackbeard, the position of “Yonko” is one acquired either by succession or usurpation. Should Luffy beat Kaido, it is a reasonable bet that, following his victory, he will earn Kaido’s title as Yonko.


His loss, though, could have the reverse effect as well, and because of Luffy’s behavior against Big Mom, mostly during Whole Cake Island Arc and the Wano Arc, the whole Yonko party could collapse. There is the hope that by making Big Mom go down before Kaido, or even having Kaido beat Big Mom before battling Luffy, the forthcoming chapters could fix this problem. There’s a lot that can always happen. We’re just dying to ought to wait to see how things turn out from here to see if Luffy will formally claim the Yonko title.

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Luffy is a Yonko?

Luffy is not known as a Yonko, but as the Fifth Sea Emperor. Although it may sound identical, it is distinct. The title of Luffy as the Fifth Emperor indicates that by succeeding in the future, he has a lot of power and is worthy of being a Yonko.

His title stresses his ability and feats right now, and not his actual strength. While Luffy may not yet be at their stage, he is definitely getting closer.

The deciding factor in his being a Yonko maybe his fight against Kaido. If it is now or later, though, Luffy will become a Yonko, and then, a Pirate Leader.


Is Luffy going to become a Yonko?

Luffy, the Straw Caps captain, is closer to being a Yonko than anyone else, having already been announced as the Fifth Emperor of the Sea.

He has gained a surplus of 1.5 billion berries, and he is in Wano Nation right now, planning to knock down Kaido, one of the Four Seas Emperors.

While Luffy may not yet be at their stage, he is definitely getting closer. The deciding factor in his being a Yonko maybe his fight against Kaido.

If it is now or later, though, Luffy will become a Yonko, and then, a Pirate Leader.


Why is the fifth known to be Luffy?

Luffy is not known as a Yonko, but as the Fifth Sea Emperor. Although it may sound identical, it is distinct. The Yonko are the world’s four most infamous and potent pirate captains. They have an indomitable and set position and number.

The title of Luffy as the Fifth Emperor indicates that by succeeding one in the future, he has a lot of power and can be a Yonko. His title stresses his ability and feats right now, and not his actual strength.


Does Luffy qualify to be Emperor Fifth?

Luffy deserves to be the Fifth Emperor too. Not in terms of power, but everywhere he goes, to make and gather close allies in his capacity.

And as we speak of dominance, although he may not be as powerful as the other Emperors, as the series continues, he can only get stronger and stronger.

Let’s take a look at all the milestones Luffy has made so far.

Three of the shichibukai sea warlords, Doflamingo, Gecko Moria, and Crocodile, were defeated by Luffy. Six of them, namely Trafalgar Rule, Crocodile, Boa Hancock, Buggy, Jinbei, and Kuma, also made allies.

Among them, Jinbe also went on to join the pirates with a straw hat. Luffy leads a squad of tough people with incredibly high bounty ideals as far as the Straw hat pirates are concerned.

Despite not traveling together, his expanded band consists of seven possibly the best pirate ships and 5000 men. Both of them are named the Straw Hat Grand Fleet together.

Luffy is also the only one that has infiltrated all three of the world government’s main buildings. He conducted a full-scale attack on the lobby of Enies, which resulted in its demolition.

There was only one mass escape in the jail history, which was carried out by Luffy and his associates at Impel Down.

To save his brother from another mother, Ace, he also engaged in the Paramount War. Three admirals and shichibukai, along with the Greatest Swordsman of the Universe, Mihawk, met him in that war.

He also invaded Big Mom, Totto Land, where he conquered Charlotte Cracker & Charlotte Katakuri as Nice Commanders.

He also tried to attack Charlotte Linlin and formed a prompt coalition with Germa 66, the Sun Pirates, and the Fire Tank Pirates. After trying to do so, and ended up fleeing safely.

Other than these concrete victories, the name of Luffy itself is frightening. He has the initials “D” and is the son of the world’s most wanted criminal, Monkey D. Dragon.

He’s also Monkey D. Garp’s grandson, who is the best Marine hero ever lived.

Besides, he is a vowed brother of both late Whitebeard Pirates Second Division commander and the son of Gol D. Roger, Portgas D. Ace, and the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo.

While his talents were somewhat inflated by the news, his exploits were significant enough for him to be unofficially dubbed the “Fifth Emperor of the Sea.”