ATTENTION: The spoiler for “Previously On” WandaVision episode 8, now available on disney+, is included below.

WandaVision has invested time in the past to this point. The Disney+ series has always been able to keep an eye on what happens if it is running over yesterday’s sitcoms or how Monica Rambeau got into Westview. Wanda knows that it is so important to look back in WandaVision Episode 8 of “Earlier On.” And now Wanda is directed by his new rival.


In the beginning, the well-known Marvel Studios credit turns from red to purple at the end, which we now know is a mystical aspect of the new Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn). Indeed, in 1693, we were carried back to Salem, where she was taken from her Witches’ Coven (including her mother) to trial for black magic amid the forests. Agnes argued, but this reason is not enough, that the rules “simply attach to my power.” She is blasted by the coven on both sides. However, she can turn this to her advantage. She and her mom wipe the witches with a swoop, and they are reduced to husks.

purple marvel

WandaVision returns from there today, though Agatha is conversing in her basement with Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen). The Scarlet Witch asks her kids but finds that she is useless magic under Agatha’s control. Agatha created a pastiche of the brother of Wanda’s “Fietro” (Evan Peters) to figure out who the Scarlet Witch is precise. Her powers of logical influence and transmutation mystify her, and she has only one question: “What is your secret, sister?”

Agatha reprimands her when Wanda does not know the answer. She wanted to push Wanda into the fact that some “true reruns” keeping her kids hostage.

Wanda and Agnes walk reluctantly through a portal to Sokovia’s Cold War era. A young Pietro is getting ready for a T.V. night together with his friends. Agnes is moving Wanda into the stage, being a younger version.

The blast shakes the apartment unexpectedly as the family settles for their xenophobic episode by Dick van Dyke. Wanda gets awoken, now in the unforgiving warzone’s icy dullness. She and Pietro only avoid being struck by a rocket branded by Stark Industries. Wanda sees the flashing screen as the bomb beams down and ruminates how the revelation ends. It is only a terrible dream.

The dick van dyke show

Wanda is unexpectedly pulled back into her adult shape. Agnes asks her whether she used spells to defuse the bomb that Wanda refuses. A separate site leads us to H.Y.D.R.A., where the twins entered to “save the earth” as teens. Wanda has been put in front of and asked to communicate with the scepter of Loki. The Mind Stone unexpectedly takes its place and swings before it. When she hits it, she is shocked by explosive energy before running, seeing her Scarlet Witch outfit’s silhouette. When Wanda lies in her dark cell and stares at The Brady Bunch, the puzzled scientists look at what has just happened.

Another door takes us to Ultron’s post-Age compound, Avengers. As Wanda unwillingly stares at Malcolm in the front, in vision phases (Paul Bettany). He meets her on his bed without words and offers her reassurance about her recent defeat. She thinks of her complaint like a non-stop wave holding it away from her foot. Yet “all cannot be sorrow” for the purposes of the Vision, and the perseverance of love is sorrow. Wanda looks like a Synthezoid with fresh skin, a complete romance at the end of the day.

Agnes continues to epiphany Wanda about her new condition. She needed him back, and Vision was gone. That leads us to H.Q. S.W.O.R.D. Where, after returning after Blip, we see Wanda begging for Vision to see the corpse. She met director Hayward (Josh Stamberg), who took her to the lab to disassemble the synthezoid as part of the “legal and ethical duty.” He declines to allow Wanda to send her a grave for three billion vibranium dollars, and he says, “He’s not yours.”

Wanda charges the laboratory with this. She knows morosely that she can’t sense his touch. Only to find a cryptic note, she steps back into her car. After that, she heads through the town of Westview when we see the new counterparts of WandaVision’s sitcom protagonists. The envelope of a house in the area, which Vision bought “to get older,” turned out to be. Looking at the bottom of what should have been, Wanda is saddened on her knees. The house we know we meet, the city transforms, and the illusion is back to welcome her home. She lets her house erupt magically.

Suddenly, we’re on a sound stage in the live crowd, with blinding light and a slow-glare Agatha. Wanda races outside and sees that Agatha shrugs Billy and Tommy. She talks of her imaginative powers, which put Chaos Magic on a magical level to gain her name: Scarlet Witch. Then Hayward is dragged into a laboratory in WandaVision episode 8 mid-credit scene. A white-eyed illusion is brought back to existence with the SWORD missile Wanda’s magic remains previously unloaded.

White vision, new ultron, ultron wandavision

“Previously on” was, in one way, not just about naming Wanda but also about her history, complaint, and WandaVision’s roots. And it’s time to go on now that we have gone back. And it’s time to go on now that we have gone back. And in WandaVision, anything is possible, with a new big bad, a probably restored Vision, and just one episode remaining.

Major Theories

Ultron wandavision

SWORD’s Vision Experimentation Reconstruct Ultron

The aim of SWORD’s vision experiments has not yet been disclosed. Still, it has obviously something to do with the peculiar nature of synthezoids. Vision has a vibranium body, but in contrast to the strength of an Infinity Stone, it has Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, J.A.R.V.I.S Ultron. Avengers suggested the Imagination would go on without the Mind Stone. Nevertheless, Infinite War. The better aspects of Vision will be theoretically preserved.

Through Thanos’s rupture of his skull, it appeared wrong, and SWORD could seek a way to return Vision to the Internet and possibly to the worst parts of his programming.

Ultron parts could be hidden deep within the matrix of Perception, which SWORD’s scientists could not identify theoretically. Ultron’s code can still be in the body of Vision because it has never been finished in conscious transfer, and fragmented data can be found easier. Unless scientists of SWORD know exactly what they wanted and can tell the Vision from Ultron’s matrix, a mix-up can occur.

Of course, the whole interest of SWORD in Vision is also possible due to a wish to return Ultron to the purpose. And, because the remains of Vision seem to be hooked up to different technological features, Ultron’s awakening could provide it with direct internet access, allowing him to fly away and create a plan for the future immediately.

Given 82 per cent of visual consciousness as an Ultron, Jarvis was hidden in parts on the Internet to hide from the world,

They did not just have an A.I. in it, and the Sword pieced it together, so perhaps the ultra became aware when they pieced it again cause Ultron said you were the last to be Vision.

It’s a dream come true technically when it’s like someone who’s going to grant mercy to all. A sentient being!

Why Does The Mind Stone Expose Itself To Wanda?

The Hydra research that gave rise to her power is one of the flashback scenes in WandaVision episode 8. Wanda has a vision of the mental stone that opens and levitates towards her. She sees in it what looks like an image of her own wearing a traditional comic book suit. Then she faints, but only Hydra members who watch her see her collapse, with no fans in the past. It’s a mystery, and it can be revealed as the essence of its magic of chaos. Why precisely the Mind Stone does seem to uncover itself to Wanda?

scarlet witch in wandavision

Agatha appears to assume that before the experiment, Wanda had hidden supernatural powers, which were enhanced. The Hydra scientists refer to the fact that there was no salvation of other topics to their proximity to the Mind Stone. However, they don’t explain how their brother Pietro could survive the tests and afterward obtain non-witch superpowers.

What is the Chaos Magic Work of Scarlet Witch?

Chaos is from one of Earth’s founding Elder Gods, Chthon Sorcery, in comic books. Wanda is born near the Wundagore Mount, where he is sealed. His chaos, which strengthens his own superhuman ability, is thus gained. WandaVision episode 8 presents after Chaos Magic, but it does not explain if the MCU will have or alter the root of comics.

She is the scarlet witch

The arrival of the Elder Gods by Marvel will be a major spring for the MCU, though not out of the question. Instead, WandaVision episode 8 seems to link up the influence of Wanda and the Infinity Stones. In particular, Agatha calls Wanda the Scarlet Witch because of its magic of chaos, which means either the title applies to those that have the power or that the Witch of Scarlet is in any Magic of chaos. Wanda is reproachable to see the silhouette of a Scarlet Witch figure in the Mind Stone and to Chthon to stop. In any case, Chaos Magic has the same consequences – modifying the content of truth itself to accommodate the user.

Pietro And Monica Rambeau?

The post-crisis scene for episode 7 of WandaVision revealed the false Pietro Maximoff (Evan Peters), now a conjuration of Agatha Harkness, facing Monica Rambeau as she stepped around the house of the witch. In WandaVision episode 8, both characters are not shown, but they definitely come back for the final season. Monica’s blossoming influence was one of the show’s main places, and viewers will look at them until the series draws to a close. As for Pietro, the exact role it will play or whether the MCU will proceed after completing WandaVision is unknown.

Is it the beginning of House of M?

The WandaVision MCU edition of House of M is starting to become more and more available. The Scarlet Witch-center storyline is one of the most significant occurrences in Marvel’s comics. Apparently, also in the early days of Avengers, it was on the agenda of actor Elizabeth Olsen: the age of Ultron. How will the iconic Disney+ Show hit a House of M-like crescendo with just a handful of episodes remaining this season of WandaVision?

The reverse version of events by WandaVision was long suspected for the entry of mutants into the MCU instead of eradicated by Scarlet Witch. Both X-Men and mutant heroes were not constrained by Kevin Feige and his founders of Marvel Studios until this new Disney-20th Century Fox partnership. Now that mutants are conveniently under Disney’s umbrella, how mutants come into the plot and how they can be incorporated has become a huge question.

The mind stone to use it should be reformed.

Because of its connection to both Scarlet Witch and Vision’s MCU legends, the mind stone has been restored to WandaVision and certainly plays its role in history. Thanos, short after his fateful snap at the end of Avengers, lost all the infinity stones: Infinity war, and while the surviving heroes recollected jewels of the past that remedy the destruction, they also seemed out of the game, as they were restored by Captain America at the end of Avengers: Endgame. In WandaVision, amid Thanos’s ferocious withdrawal, Vision still appears to have the yellow gem in his head.

The Hexes also on Spider-Man: No Way Home Address Anything?

Hex in Spiderman no way home

A few days earlier, ideas were actually thrown around after Marvel publicly declared the title of “No Way Home,” Spider-Man 3. There were a few hexagons on the noisy, jokey concept board fans who could hardly seem spontaneous today as WandaVision took such an interest in the medium. While Wanda Maximoff appears in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Crazy, while Strange himself will appear in No Way Home before that series, the explanation being that the hexagons are related to the magic of Wanda, and then Wanda’s magic links directly to the opening of the multiverse

Agatha has been forcing Wanda to have children.

Are the personal endgames of Billy and Tommy Agatha, or are they now kept as prisoners so that’ll be the only way she will profit from the more dominant Wanda?

We know from the Salem flashback sequence that Agatha can feed on other magical users’ electricity, but is she too tentative to do this with Wanda? Or does she want to turn Wanda around and become her allies? It would make sense in part that Agatha wanted Wanda to have children, to maybe slow them in and snatch them, but are Wanda beings really valid of Chaos Magic?

WandaVision episode 8, has given us so much insight into the next phase of Marvel. We all are sure that WandaVision is just the foundation to the much larger Phase, and we might see more seasons, or episodes of WandaVision after the last episode, as there must be more to it.

This is House of M, mixed with Hank Pym’s Ultron storyline, on with the Ultimate Universe.
For so long, they had hidden multiverse.
And Wanda is considered the Phoenix force scarlet witch, not just this. Also, the cosmic power.
Stay Tuned for more!!